Annual Global Threat Report 2009

The World's Largest Security Analysis of Real-World Web Traffic


  * Malicious PDF files comprised 56% of Web-encountered exploits in 
1Q09, growing to 80% of all exploits by 4Q09; Flash exploits 
encountered via the Web dropped from 40% in 1Q09 to 18% in 4Q09;

  * Web-encountered exploits in Word and Excel comprised less than 1% 
of all detected exploits for the year;

  * Malicious image files comprised 10% of all Web malware 
encountered in 2009;

  * The Gumblar attacks were the single largest at 14% of all Web 
malware blocks in 2009;

  * Compromises and malware encounters resulting from the Asprox and 
Zeus botnets comprised 2% and 1% of Web malware blocks, respectively;

  * 45% of all Web malware encounters in 2009 were with exploits and 
iframes indicative of compromised websites;

  * Energy & Oil experienced an encounter rate 356% higher than normal 
for data theft trojans;

  * Companies in the Pharmaceutical & Chemical sector experienced a 
322% heightened rate of encounter with data theft trojans;

  * Other sectors experiencing higher than average exposure to data 
theft trojans included Government at 252% higher and the Banking & 
Finance sector at 204% higher;

  * Attacks continue to increase. A representative customer 
encountered 77 compromised websites in May 2007, compared to 1024 in 
May 2009. Direct encounters with data theft Trojans increased from 0 
in May 2007 to 307 in May 2009.


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