The Medium
The Google Alphabet

The New York Times
February 14, 2010

If you have asked Google to "show suggestions" in your browser 
toolbar, you know the keen comfort of discovering you're not alone in 
asking the Internet questions it's not quite equipped to answer, 
including, "Am I pregnant?" and "Am I crazy?" You start typing "Am I 
- " and like an impatient therapist Google Suggest interrupts you 
with a drop-down list of concepts seemingly culled from the 
unconsciousness of the human race. Google doesn't let you wallow in 
your eccentricities. "What's that? Are you - oh, lemme take a wild 
guess here - crazy? Well, now, that's original. . . . "

But if, instead of persisting with your weird questions, you stop at 
letter No. 1, dropping only "A" in your Google search, you don't have 
to face your issues. You go shopping. Type "A" and Google proposes 
Amazon. "J" gets you JC Penney. "T" is for Target. These sites, and 
23 others, are Google's first suggestions for each letter of the 
alphabet. Tuning into "A" - or "B" or "Z" - on Google is like tuning 
into network TV in prime time: you get to join millions of people and 
do what they're doing. (Or maybe what Google wants most people to do. 
Google Suggest builds its hierarchies from a mysterious house blend 
of "searches you've done, searches done by users all over the world, 
sites in our search index and ads in our advertising network.") You 
find the big, broad sites that Google is now officially programmed to 



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