February 18, 2010 5:35 PM PST
The iPhone app for instant booty calls
by Chris Matyszczyk

The urge to have sex is something that many find difficult to control.

Some, indeed, find this urge gets them into trouble. It can affect 
your marriage, your work, even your golf swing.

However, now that technology is making so many things easier, the 
power of mobile social networking is being brought to, um, bare by 
the makers of a new iPhone app.

It is called PinPointsX. At its heart is the notion that sex these 
days is very much like real estate. It's about location, location and 
location. Ergo, the vital part of PinPointsX is its Passion Map. This 
cartographic delight is your gateway to graphic or, who knows, 
Sapphic pleasures.

The Passion Map "allows the user to filter, prioritize, schedule, and 
directly interact with those sensual resources, leading toward the 
ultimate fantasy and potential hook-up." Yes, those words come from 
the creators.

They also claim they can put your in immediate locational contact 
with "all imaginable erotic resources" in your immediate vicinity. 
However, I fear that there are some people who, as they wander 
through the streets of life, are truly seeking unimaginable erotic 
resources. I am concerned that PinPointsX doesn't seem to cover those.




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