September 23, 2009

U.S. Census Uses Telenovela to Reach Hispanics
NY Times

MIAMI — Perla Beltrán, a young woman from the wrong side of the tracks 
in New York, has suffered a great deal lately — her husband, a thief, 
has been murdered and she has been associating with lowlifes. But she 
thinks she has found a way out: as a recruiter for the United States 
Census Bureau.

Ms. Beltrán, a character in the popular Spanish-language soap opera “Más 
Sabe el Diablo,” “The Devil Knows Best,” represents only one element of 
the government’s yearlong effort to garner trust among Hispanics, an 
ethnic group that has been historically wary of the decennial census 

In addition to the typical public service announcements and 
advertisements, the Census Bureau is helping to compose a remarkable 
story line featuring the Perla Beltrán character on the telenovela, amid 
the genre’s usual tales of sex scandals, unspeakable illnesses and 
implausible villains. It may be the first plotline on a soap opera 
blessed by the United States government.

“It’s the perfect vehicle for product placement,” said Patricia Gaitan, 
a communications consultant for the bureau, as she watched the taping 
here last week. She swiftly gave the technique a new name: “people 

The coordination between the Census Bureau and the “Diablo” producers at 
the Telemundo network also strikes some as an unusual intrusion by the 
government. Although a bureau staff member met with the writer of 
“Diablo” and provided props for the production, the network’s president, 
Don Browne, said it maintained “total creative independence.”

Many Americans are unfamiliar with telenovelas like “Diablo,” and most 
efforts to introduce them to English-speaking audiences have flopped. 
But among Spanish-speaking viewers, the five-nights-a-week dramas are 
enormously popular, making them a prime way to encourage Hispanics to be 
counted next year.

“We’ve been evangelizing,” Mr. Browne told Ms. Gaitan and other visitors 
between takes on the set last week. “Hopefully, we’ll get the message 
across without hitting viewers over the head.”

The message is the same one Census Bureau officials are trying to 
emphasize at nearly every turn: Do not be afraid to be counted.

Next year’s census is expected to show a substantial increase in the 
Hispanic population, which is already the fastest-growing ethnic group 
in the United States. The government estimated in May that 46.9 million 
Hispanics lived in the Unites States last year, up from about 33 million 
during the last census in 2000. Census figures are analyzed to apportion 
Congressional districts and distribute about $400 billion in federal 
money each year.

But the census is a delicate subject for some minorities, including 
Hispanics. Language barriers and fear of filling out forms for the 
government limited participation in earlier counts.

Census officials contend that Hispanics were undercounted in 2000 by 
about 0.7 percent, or roughly a quarter of a million people. Other 
scientific studies assert that as many as 1.3 million Hispanics were not 

With the census story line, “we’re trying to fight the fear,“ Aurelio 
Valcarcel, an executive producer at Telemundo Studios, said.

The campaign is not merely about civic participation. Next year’s count 
is likely to mean more advertising revenue for Telemundo, a unit of NBC 
Universal, and other Spanish-language networks over time. Nielsen 
Ratings sample of television households is directly tied to the census 

“It’s very good for our business,” Mr. Browne said in an interview, 
given that the census numbers should help substantiate audience growth.

With the enduring debates over immigration, some people are wary of 
giving their name, address and information about their household to the 
government. “In some cases they’re trying to hide from the government,” 
said Stacy Gimbel, a bureau spokeswoman who observed the taping. “We’re 
trying to convince them that their information is safe.”

Next year, in a first for the bureau, about 13 million households will 
receive census questionnaires in English and Spanish. But other issues 
compound the bureau’s challenge in trying to achieve a comprehensive count.

Some advocates warn that the recession has forced more families to share 
a single residence, sometimes in violation of housing codes or leases. 
Those families may be reluctant to provide information, said Arturo 
Vargas, the executive director of the National Association of Latino 
Elected and Appointed Officials.

Some Hispanic religious leaders are urging their congregations to 
boycott the count, which will begin next spring, as a way of forcing 
Congress to act on immigration reform. Most Hispanic advocacy groups 
oppose such a move.

Telemundo is taking a stand in favor of the census, though it says it 
covers other points of view in its news programs. Mr. Vargas said 
Telemundo and Univision, the country’s dominant Spanish-language 
network, which is conducting a public service campaign of its own, were 
being “good corporate citizens.”

Telemundo producers started considering a census plot in the spring at 
the start of the network’s yearlong campaign to increase census 
participation. Eventually a census employee worked directly with the 
writer of “Diablo.”

In an episode that will be shown in early October, Ms. Beltrán is 
selling empanadas, stuffed pastries, on the street when a Census Bureau 
employee approaches her. The ensuing conversation amounts to Census 101, 
explaining why the count matters.

Soon Ms. Beltrán, who is played by Michelle Vargas, will become a census 
worker. At the Telemundo Studios last week, Ms. Beltrán was shown 
completing a skills test for her census job application. After handing 
in the test, she asks about the census, and the test administrator tells 
her that the information collected is “estrictamente confidencial,” or 
strictly confidential.

Mr. Valcarcel said previous novelas had included social messages about 
drug abuse and workplace violence. Working with a government agency, 
though, is a new strategy. He said he wanted the census information to 
feel as organic as possible. “I don’t want to feel like it’s a Discovery 
Channel documentary,” he said.

Ms. Gaitan and other consultants smiled as they watched the taping and 
spotted census pamphlets and logos on the set. “Do you see all the 
brochures?” one of the marketers asked.

“Diablo” ends its run next February. While the network has not 
determined if it will add census plots to any other telenovelas, Mr. 
Browne said that another contemporary series was in the works that would 
“lend itself to this.”

For more traditional forms of communication, the government has 
allocated hundreds of millions of dollars for census community outreach, 
part of which will be devoted to Spanish-language advertising.

Although it is hard to put a dollar figure on the people placement in 
“Diablo,” it may prove to be even more valuable.

Spanish-language networks say they have struggled for years to achieve 
advertising budget parity with the broader media marketplace. 
Post-census, Mr. Browne contends, they will be much closer to that goal.

In a business presentation last year for his bosses at NBC’s parent 
company, General Electric, Mr. Browne concluded by saying, “If you think 
it’s a good business now, wait until after the census.”

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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