The best comment I've heard about Google (NSDQ: GOOG) Wave so far: "Wave
is simultaneously less and more than I'd hoped." Me, I already have
plans on the table to set up my own Wave server: my personal "Wave 1.1",
as it were. Or even Wave 2.0.

The comments about Wave so far seem to fall into three buckets: 1) it's
rather slow (probably due to so many people pounding on it at once right
now); 2) it's not meant to substitute for services like Twitter or
Facebook, but to aggregate conversations you might have in various
places; 3) you need to use it correctly to keep it from turning into a
productivity-killer. And 4): it's not just going to be a Google thing,
because in theory anyone can set up a Wave server.

That, I think, will be what distinguishes Wave from a lot of Google's
other ideas: the fact that most of its innards are going to be open
sourced, and that it'll be possible to not rely on Google at all to make
use of it. I don't think most people are so overly hesitant about
Google, privacy worries aside, that they won't dive on Wave right off
the bat if they can.

But I do think most of the really intriguing and powerful work to be
done with Wave isn't going to come from Google.

In a way, it can't. Because Wave is so difficult for many people to wrap
their heads around (it's been defined mostly by what it's not, from what
I've seen), it needs to have some distance from its own creators. It
needs to be used in ways not originally imagined by Google, to be kicked
around and re-implemented and re-re-implemented. Random example: a PHP
or Python implementation of the protocol, rather than Java, which would
make it easier for Joe Domain-owner to set one up on his server.

And maybe by that time we'll have figured out what Wave really is, and
what it's best for.

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