OCTOBER 5, 2009

Wal-Mart Scales Back DVD Displays

Wall Street Journal


A recent shift in merchandising strategy by the world's largest retailer 
spells more trouble for DVD sales and the entertainment industry that 
depends on them for profits.

As part of a larger effort to clean up its aisles and appeal to 
higher-end shoppers, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is doing away with display 
cases to promote the latest hot movie titles.

The move comes as major film studios are reeling from declines in 
revenue from DVD sales as cash-strapped consumers turn to low-cost 
rental services and digital downloads for home movies.

"We think the new strategy implies Wal-Mart no longer sees DVDs and 
Blu-ray discs as traffic drivers," J.P. Morgan analyst Imran Khan said.

Studio chiefs dispute that conclusion, noting the importance of DVDs as 
a sales category for Wal-Mart, but none would speak publicly for this story.

Wal-Mart, which accounts for nearly a third of DVD retail sales in the 
U.S., didn't respond to inquiries for comment.

The change to its DVD selling strategy is part of a larger merchandising 
overhaul the company calls "Project Impact," in which it has been 
devoting more shelf space to top-selling products and cutting back on 
items that linger. The discount giant also is trying to spruce up its 
image and cut back on clutter in its aisles, like corrugated displays 
for DVDs, in hopes that it can attract a more upscale shopper.

As for DVDs, the Digital Entertainment Group estimates that overall U.S. 
retail sales fell 13.5% to $5.4 billion during the first half of 2009. 
At the same time, DVD rentals rose by 8.3% to $3.4 billion. Digital 
sales and rentals from services like Amazon.com Inc. and Apple Inc.'s 
iTunes rose 21% to $968 million.

Video on-demand revenue from pay-TV service providers, like Comcast 
Corp., is also rising. Comcast spokeswoman Jennifer Khoury says the 
company served 368 million total views on its VOD platform in July, up 
11% from last year.

Meanwhile, studios have cut deals with services like Netflix Inc., the 
mail-order DVD rental service.

Meanwhile, Wal-Mart and other major retailers, along with several 
fast-food chains, have been adding low-cost DVD rental kiosks near store 
entrances provided by Redbox Automated Retail LLC, a division of 
Coinstar Inc.

Redbox's prominent placement and its overnight rental price of $1 are 
viewed by film studio chiefs as a threat to sales. Three major studios 
-- News Corp.'s 20th Century Fox, Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Brothers and 
General Electric Co.'s Universal Pictures -- are locked in a legal 
battle with the company and refuse to make their new titles available to 
Redbox until 28 days after their release. News Corp. owns The Wall 
Street Journal.

Starting with just 12 kiosks in 2004, Redbox is now expected to have 
22,000 machines across the country by year-end.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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