Paladox has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: Remove duplicate x button in search bar

Remove duplicate x button in search bar

* There is a duplicate x button one that is nicly styled and one that just
* a plan black small x button next to each other. With this patch it removes 
the plain small black x button from search bar and leaves the nicly styled x 
button they both do the same thing. The x button to the left is unchanged since 
it does something else.

Change-Id: Ibabe194489e34188fb67a9c061e95d1386fb3ff1
M i18n/ar.json
M i18n/ca.json
M i18n/de.json
M i18n/es.json
M i18n/fr.json
M i18n/gl.json
M i18n/he.json
M i18n/hil.json
M i18n/lrc.json
M i18n/ne.json
M i18n/nl.json
M i18n/pl.json
M i18n/qqq.json
M i18n/qu.json
M i18n/ro.json
M i18n/tr.json
M i18n/zh-hans.json
M resources/
18 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/i18n/ar.json b/i18n/ar.json
index 20fc26b..ed32796 100644
--- a/i18n/ar.json
+++ b/i18n/ar.json
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "لقد قمت بإدخال رموز خاطئة، 
الرجاء المحاولة مرة أخرى",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "استمر",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "ساعد في تحسين هذه الصفحة!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "هذه الصفحة محمية لمنع التخريب.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "عدل",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "قيد التحرير",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<strong>تعديل</strong><span> 
diff --git a/i18n/ca.json b/i18n/ca.json
index a416ef4..1380506 100644
--- a/i18n/ca.json
+++ b/i18n/ca.json
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-tutorial-confirm": "Comença a editar",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-tutorial-summary": "Ajudeu a millorar la pàgina 
$1.<br />No tingueu por de la sintaxi wiki.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-unavailable": "L'edició mòbil no està 
disponible actualment en el teu navegador. Si us plau prova amb un navegador 
-       "mobile-frontend-editor-unavailable-header": "Editor no disponible",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-viewing-source-page": "<strong>Codi font 
de</strong><span> $1</span>",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-visual-editor": "Modifica",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-wait": "Desant l'edició, espereu si us plau.",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-leave": "No, gràcies.",
        "mobile-frontend-enable-images": "Habilita les imatges al lloc web 
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-button-label": "Informa d'un error",
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-feedback": "Gràcies pels comentaris!",
diff --git a/i18n/de.json b/i18n/de.json
index 28c6467..1c61d75 100644
--- a/i18n/de.json
+++ b/i18n/de.json
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Falscher Code. Versuche es 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Nächste",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Hilf, diese Seite zu verbessern!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Diese Seite ist geschützt, um 
Vandalismus vorzubeugen.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Bearbeiten",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "Bearbeiten",
"<span><strong>Bearbeiten</strong> von $1</span>",
@@ -117,7 +118,6 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-leave": "Nein danke.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-explain": "Diese Seite wurde auf 
{{SITENAME}} noch nicht erstellt.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-create": "Seite erstellen",
-       "mobile-frontend-editor-showhistory": "Versionsgeschichte anzeigen",
        "mobile-frontend-enable-images": "Bilder in der mobilen Ansicht 
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-button-label": "Einen Fehler berichten",
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-error": "Fehler: Die Rückmeldung konnte 
nicht gespeichert werden.",
diff --git a/i18n/es.json b/i18n/es.json
index fb25e83..ac21c1e 100644
--- a/i18n/es.json
+++ b/i18n/es.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Código incorrecto, 
inténtalo de nuevo.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Siguiente",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "¡Ayúdanos a mejorar esta página!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Esta página está protegida para 
evitar el vandalismo.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Editar",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "Editando",
"<span><strong>Edición</strong>de «$1»</span>",
diff --git a/i18n/fr.json b/i18n/fr.json
index 77003fe..cf49c86 100644
--- a/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/i18n/fr.json
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-viewing-source-page": "<strong>Affichage de la 
source</strong> de<span> $1</span>",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-visual-editor": "Éditeur",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-wait": "Enregistrement de la modification, 
veuillez patienter.",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-leave": "Non merci.",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-create": "Créer une page",
        "mobile-frontend-enable-images": "Activer les images sur le site 
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-button-label": "Signaler une erreur",
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-error": "Erreur, le retour d'information 
n'a pas pu être envoyé.",
@@ -375,13 +377,13 @@
        "mobile-frontend-watchlist-more": "plus",
        "mobile-frontend-watchlist-please-wait": "Veuillez patienter, l’action 
d’observation est plus longue que prévue.",
        "mobile-frontend-watchlist-error": "Il y a eu un problème à 
l’observation de cette page. Veuillez réessayer.",
-       "mobile-frontend-watchlist-purpose": "Une liste de suivi vous aide à 
marquer les pages et à garder trace des modifications qui les concernent.",
+       "mobile-frontend-watchlist-purpose": "<strong>Une liste de suivi vous 
aide à marquer les pages et à garder trace des modifications qui les 
concernent.</strong><br />Connectez-vous pour la voir.",
        "mobile-frontend-watchlist-removed": "$1 retiré de votre liste de 
-       "mobile-frontend-watchlist-signup-action": "Connectez-vous pour en 
commencer une nouvelle.",
+       "mobile-frontend-watchlist-signup-action": "<strong>Une liste de suivie 
vous permet de marquer des pages et de suivre les changements réalisés 
dessus</strong><br />Connectez-vous pour en commencer une maintenant.",
        "mobile-frontend-watchlist-view": "Afficher votre liste de 
        "mobile-frontend-quick-lookup-looking": "Cherchant la page '$1'.",
        "mobile-frontend-quick-lookup-no-results": "Il n'existe aucune 
information correspondant à '$1'.",
-       "mobile-frontend-quick-lookup-not-internal": "Désolé, ceci n'est pas un 
lien de '$1'.",
+       "mobile-frontend-quick-lookup-not-internal": "Désolé, ceci n'est pas un 
lien dans ce wiki.",
        "mobile.css": "/* Le CSS placé ici n’affectera que les utilisateurs du 
site mobile */",
        "mobile.js": "/* Le Javascript placé ici n’affectera que les 
utilisateurs du site mobile */",
        "nearby": "Pages près de vous",
@@ -425,6 +427,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-time-precision-annum": "$1 ans EC",
        "mobile-frontend-time-precision-millennium": "$1 mille ans EC",
        "mobile-frontend-time-precision-century": "$1 cents ans EC",
+       "mobile-frontend-time-precision-10annum": "$1s",
        "mobile-frontend-time-precision-BCE-Gannum": "$1 milliards d'années 
        "mobile-frontend-time-precision-BCE-Mannum": "$1 millions d'années AEC",
        "mobile-frontend-time-precision-BCE-annum": "$1 ans AEC",
@@ -438,5 +441,6 @@
        "mobile-frontend-console-recruit": "\\o/ Hey! C'est un logiciel open 
source et nous avons besoin de volontaires pour nous aider à construire cette 
chose, le rendre meilleur et résoudre les éventuels bugs que vous pourriez voir 
dans cette console JavaScript!\n\nVous pouvez trouver notre carnet de commandes 
        "mobile-frontend-browse-tags-header": "Balises",
        "mobile-frontend-panel-ok": "D’accord",
-       "mobile-frontend-panel-cancel": "Non merci"
+       "mobile-frontend-panel-cancel": "Non merci",
+       "mobile-frontend-panel-betaoptin-msg": "Voulez-vous essayer quelques 
nouvelles fonctionnalités ? En adhérant à la bêta, vous aurez accès à des 
fonctionnalités expérimentales, au risque de rencontrer des bugs et problèmes."
diff --git a/i18n/gl.json b/i18n/gl.json
index 5b4125d..1d4a15a 100644
--- a/i18n/gl.json
+++ b/i18n/gl.json
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Código incorrecto. 
Inténteo de novo.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Seguinte",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Axude a mellorar esta páxina!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Esta páxina está protexida para 
evitar o vandalismo.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Editar",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "Editando",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span><strong>Editando</strong> 
diff --git a/i18n/he.json b/i18n/he.json
index fd2ea7b..4724457 100644
--- a/i18n/he.json
+++ b/i18n/he.json
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "קוד שגוי, נא לנסות שוב.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "הבא",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "עזרו לשפר את הדף הזה!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "הדף הזה מוגן כדי למנוע השחתה.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "עריכה",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "עריכה",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span><strong>עריכת</strong> 
diff --git a/i18n/hil.json b/i18n/hil.json
index 259067b..c0e0529 100644
--- a/i18n/hil.json
+++ b/i18n/hil.json
@@ -6,8 +6,15 @@
        "mobile-frontend-copyright": "Ang ini nga teksto ay makita sa idalum <a 
 Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License</a>; ang nadugang nga impormasyon ay 
pwede ma-aply. Tan-awa <a 
href=''>Terms of Use</a> para 
sa mga detalye. Ang Wikipedya ay rehistrado trademark sang <a 
href=''>Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.</a>, wala 
profidad nga organisasyon.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Ilisan",
-       "mobile-frontend-featured-article": "Subong nga Napili na Artikulo",
+       "mobile-frontend-featured-article": "Subong nga napili nga balasahon",
        "mobile-frontend-home-button": "Balay",
+       "mobile-frontend-language-article-heading": "Basahon sa lain nga 
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-button-tooltip": "Buksan ang labihanong 
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-login": "Magsulod",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-nearby": "Malapit",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-watchlist": "Balantayan",
+       "mobile-frontend-news-items": "Sa balita",
+       "mobile-frontend-placeholder": "Pangitaa ang {{SITENAME}}",
        "mobile-frontend-random-button": "Randum",
        "mobile-frontend-regular-site": "Tan-awon ini nga pahina sa regular na 
        "mobile-frontend-search-submit": "Lakat"
diff --git a/i18n/lrc.json b/i18n/lrc.json
index cc05ed7..e65b3dd 100644
--- a/i18n/lrc.json
+++ b/i18n/lrc.json
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "رازینه اشتوا، د نو تلاش 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "ادامه دئین",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "سی بیتر کردن ای بلگه هومیاری بیئت!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "ای بلگه سی نهاگری د خراوکاری پر و 
پیم بیه.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "ويرايشت",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "د حالت ويرايشت",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<strong>ویرایشت</strong><span> 
diff --git a/i18n/ne.json b/i18n/ne.json
index fd9ed65..950385f 100644
--- a/i18n/ne.json
+++ b/i18n/ne.json
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
                        "बिप्लब आनन्द",
                        "Nirjal stha",
-                       "NehalDaveND"
+                       "NehalDaveND",
+                       "राम प्रसाद जोशी"
        "mobile-frontend-back-to-top-of-section": "एक खण्ड पछाडि जाने",
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-changeslist-nocomment": "कुनै सम्पादन सारांश छैन",
        "mobile-frontend-clear-search": "सफागर्ने",
        "mobile-frontend-copyright": "सामाग्री $1 अनुसार उपलब्ध छ, खुलाइएको 
अवस्था बाहेकको हकमा ।",
-       "mobile-frontend-diffview-title": "परिवर्तनहरु",
+       "mobile-frontend-diffview-title": "परिवर्तनहरू",
        "mobile-frontend-donate-image-title": "उर्ध्वभरणहरु",
        "mobile-frontend-drawer-cancel": "रद्द गर्ने",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-abusefilter-read-more": "थप पढ्ने",
diff --git a/i18n/nl.json b/i18n/nl.json
index ec71aa5..e31a214 100644
--- a/i18n/nl.json
+++ b/i18n/nl.json
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Verkeerde code, probeer 
het opnieuw.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Volgende",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Help deze pagina te verbeteren!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Deze pagina is beveiligd om 
vandalisme te voorkomen.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Bewerken",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "Bewerken",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span>$1 
diff --git a/i18n/pl.json b/i18n/pl.json
index 2bba050..bf9826f 100644
--- a/i18n/pl.json
+++ b/i18n/pl.json
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
        "mobile-frontend-categories-heading": "<strong>Kategorie</strong>",
        "mobile-frontend-categories-subheading": "Strona należy do 
następujących kategorii:",
        "mobile-frontend-categories-nocat": "Ta strona na razie nie należy do 
żadnej kategorii.",
-       "mobile-frontend-categories-add": "Dodaj kategorię",
+       "mobile-frontend-categories-add": "Dodaj do kategorii",
        "mobile-frontend-categories-search": "Szukaj kategorii",
        "mobile-frontend-categories-nomatch": "Nie znaleziono kategorii dla 
zapytania. Spróbuj innego.",
-       "mobile-frontend-categories-summary": "Dodane kategorie",
+       "mobile-frontend-categories-summary": "Dodano do kategorii",
        "mobile-frontend-categories-add-heading": "<strong>Dodaj nowe kategorie 
do</strong><span> $1</span>",
        "mobile-frontend-categories-add-wait": "Zapisywanie kategorii, proszę 
        "mobile-frontend-changeslist-ip": "Anonim",
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Nieprawidłowy kod, spróbuj 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Dalej",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Pomóż ulepszyć tę stronę!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Ta strona została zabezpieczona.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Edytuj",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "Edycja",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span><strong>Edycja</strong> 
@@ -115,7 +116,6 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-leave": "Nie, dziękuję.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-explain": "Ta strona nie została 
jeszcze utworzona w projekcie {{SITENAME}}.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-redlink-create": "Utwórz stronę",
-       "mobile-frontend-editor-showhistory": "Pokaż historię",
        "mobile-frontend-enable-images": "Włącz wyświetlanie grafik w wersji 
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-button-label": "Zgłoś błąd",
        "mobile-frontend-errorreport-section-title": "Sugerowana korekta",
diff --git a/i18n/qqq.json b/i18n/qqq.json
index 5adfa94..34b23e9 100644
--- a/i18n/qqq.json
+++ b/i18n/qqq.json
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "A message shown when user 
enters wrong CAPTCHA and a new one is displayed.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Caption for the next button on edit 
form which takes you to the screen that shows a preview and license 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Caption for call to action when an 
anonymous user clicks on edit icon. (Note the mobile site currently doesn't 
allow anonymous editing.)\n{{Identical|Help improve this page}}",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Toast message that appears when a 
user is unable to edit a page and clicks edit icon.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Caption for the link showing edit 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "A heading indicating that the user 
is currently editing.\n{{Identical|Editing}}",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "A heading saying what page is 
being edited. All text should be wrapped in a STRONG tag except the page title 
itself.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - page 
diff --git a/i18n/qu.json b/i18n/qu.json
index 885ab3c..b28f155 100644
--- a/i18n/qu.json
+++ b/i18n/qu.json
@@ -4,15 +4,37 @@
+       "mobile-frontend-changeslist-nocomment": "llamk'apuy yuyarinaqa manam 
+       "mobile-frontend-copyright": "Samiqwanqa llamk'ankiman $1 nisqa ruraq 
hayñikama, mana wakin hina willaptinqa.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Llamk'apuy",
+       "mobile-frontend-featured-article": "Kunan p'unchawmanta hatun 
        "mobile-frontend-generic-login": "{{SITENAME}}taqa qam hina runakunam 
+       "mobile-frontend-generic-login-action": "Yaykuy llamk'apunaykipaq.",
+       "mobile-frontend-home-button": "Qallarina",
+       "mobile-frontend-language-article-heading": "Wakin rimaypi ñawiriy",
+       "mobile-frontend-last-modified-date": "$1 p'unchawpi $2 pachapi 
qhipaqta hukchasqa",
+       "mobile-frontend-login": "Yaykuy",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu": "Qallariy akllana suyu",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-account-create": "Musuq rakiqunata kichariy",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-button-tooltip": "Qallariy akllana suyuta 
        "mobile-frontend-main-menu-login": "Yaykuy",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-nearby": "Sispa",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-settings": "Churasqakuna",
+       "mobile-frontend-main-menu-watchlist": "Watiqasqa p'anqakuna",
+       "mobile-frontend-news-items": "Willaykunapi",
        "mobile-frontend-password-placeholder": "Yaykuna rima",
+       "mobile-frontend-placeholder": "{{SITENAME}} nisqapi maskay",
        "mobile-frontend-privacy-link-text": "Akuna kay",
+       "mobile-frontend-random-button": "Kikinmanta",
        "mobile-frontend-sign-in-heading": "Yaykuy",
+       "mobile-frontend-terms-text": "Llamk'achina phatakuna",
        "mobile-frontend-user-button-tooltip": "Ñuqpaq willaykunata rikuchiway",
        "mobile-frontend-username-placeholder": "Ruraqpa sutin",
        "mobile-frontend-view": "Kuyuylla karu rimanapaq rikuriy",
+       "mobile-frontend-view-desktop": "Hamp'ara hawa",
        "mobile-frontend-view-mobile": "Apaykachanapaq",
-       "mobile-frontend-watchlist-cta-button-login": "Yaykuy"
+       "mobile-frontend-watchlist-cta-button-login": "Yaykuy",
+       "tag-mobile_edit": "Apaykachanapaqmanta llamk'apuy",
+       "tag-mobile_web_edit": "Apaykachanapaqmanta llika llamk'apuy",
+       "mobile-frontend-pageaction-edit-tooltip": "Kay p'anqap qallariy 
rakinta llamk'apuy."
diff --git a/i18n/ro.json b/i18n/ro.json
index aded656..7f6c3a7 100644
--- a/i18n/ro.json
+++ b/i18n/ro.json
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Cod eronat; reîncercați.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "Înainte",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Ajutați la îmbunătățirea acestei 
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Această pagină este protejată 
pentru a preveni vandalismul.",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Modificare",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "În curs de modificare",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span><strong>Se 
modifică</strong> $1</span>",
diff --git a/i18n/tr.json b/i18n/tr.json
index 0bd6c04..ddb0877 100644
--- a/i18n/tr.json
+++ b/i18n/tr.json
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "Yanlış kod, tekrar 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "İleri",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "Bu sayfayı geliştirmeye yardımcı olun!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "Bu sayfa vandalizmi önlemek için 
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "Düzenle",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "Değiştiriliyor",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing-page": "<span>$1 
diff --git a/i18n/zh-hans.json b/i18n/zh-hans.json
index 81d34e7..ead9aee 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-hans.json
+++ b/i18n/zh-hans.json
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
        "mobile-frontend-editor-captcha-try-again": "错误代码,请重试。",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-continue": "下一个",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-cta": "帮助改善此页面!",
+       "mobile-frontend-editor-disabled": "本页面受到保护以防止被破坏。",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-edit": "编辑",
        "mobile-frontend-editor-editing": "编辑中",
diff --git a/resources/ 
index dfc62bd..2cfc4e3 100644
--- a/resources/
+++ b/resources/
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 @import "minerva.mixins";
 @import "minerva.variables"; {
+    display: none;
 .search-overlay {
        background: @semiTransparent;

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ibabe194489e34188fb67a9c061e95d1386fb3ff1
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Paladox <>

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