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Hi Brion, that was marvellous! I tested it 10 times and yes, it works
perfectly. Thank you very much and also to Platonides.
The timing is perfect because I just added quite a number of stubs which I
want to hide from visitors pressing the Random Page link. Was earlier kind
of worried that it will
On 12/24/08 4:42 AM, Platonides wrote:
> My bad, the page_restrictions table is used instead.
> You will need to edit the SQL at includes/specials/SpecialRandompage.php
> to perform the JOIN :/
If your MySQL server is 4.1 or later you should be able to get away with
something like this:
Hi Platonides, thanks for your kind assistance. As I am quite blur on php,
can you please elaborate what you mean by " edit the SQL at
includes/specials/ SpecialRandompage.php to perform the JOIN? I suppose the
$wgExtraRandompageSQL = 'page_restrictions <> ""'; must still be added into
Farkas, Illes escribió:
> Dear All,
> We work with pages-meta-history files.
> Can robots (among the editors)
> be identified by their names or any other properties?
> Is there a list of known robots?
Or using the API:
Ekompute .info wrote:
> Hi, thank you for kind response. I tried
> $wgExtraRandompageSQL = 'page_restrictions <> ""';
> in LocalSettings.php but I got this message when I click the Random Page
> link:
> *There are no pages in this namespace. *
> I tried to modify the command a little to
Dear All,
We work with pages-meta-history files. Can robots (among the editors)
be identified by their names or any other properties? Is there a list
of known robots? Are there different types of robots?
Happy Holidays
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