Re: [MediaWiki-l] Loading modules in a tag extension

2015-08-13 Thread Nischay Nahata
Thanks Brion. That worked great. Do you think its okay to put this in the Manual for Tag extensions? Regards, Nischay Nahata On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Brion Vibber wrote: > What you need to do here is attach the modules to the ParserOutput -- which > gets cached -- rather than directly t

Re: [MediaWiki-l] Loading modules in a tag extension

2015-08-13 Thread Brion Vibber
What you need to do here is attach the modules to the ParserOutput -- which gets cached -- rather than directly to the OutputPage ($wgOut) object. function myCoolHook($text, $params, $parser, $frame) { // ... do stuff ... $parser->getOutput()->addModules( 'ext.mycoolext' ); $parser->

[MediaWiki-l] (kein Betreff)

2015-08-13 Thread Btavavakoli Makbari
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[MediaWiki-l] Loading modules in a tag extension

2015-08-13 Thread Nischay Nahata
Hi everyone, I am using an tag extension where modules and head items are added to $wgOut I am observing a weird behaviour where the modules get added when I am browsing as a logged in user but doesn't get added when I am logged out. Similarly if I run the rebuildFileCache script the modules won'