you really need to spend a few minutes here;
read the install instructions, follow them exactly. FYI the
LocalSettings.php is a file the is generated by the installation script. It
is populated by your answers to the questions during the i
You must have "ResourceFileModulePaths" set in your extension.json too,
to make MediaWiki look for the file 'modules/ext.Iframe.js' in the right
path. You don't mention whether you have it set or not. Like this:
"ResourceFileModulePaths": {
"localBasePath": "",
Enable the display of PHP error messages, so that it will give you more
details than "Error 500":
(You will have to use the php.ini or .htaccess method, since obviously
you don't have a LocalSettings.php file yet. Ignore everything
The answer to my own question is
Thanks for the response though!
On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 7:51 AM, Huji Lee wrote:
> Ah, I see.
> Are the JSON blobs dumped somewhere so I can process them using my own
> python script or something?
This might be a typo in your message, but it's jQuery, not jquery.
Also you can shorten that page ready code, see:
By default, jQuery and it's alias $ are always available in MediaWiki.
However, we often tend to import globals and then rede
I'm trying to set up a localhost-only wiki for development which will not be
I've been following here [1] and also [2], and have got as far as 'Configure
MediaWiki', and navigating to http://localhost and there I'm stuck.
The browser shows -
│MediaWiki 1.30.0
Hi Yaron and Duncan,
thank you for this extension!
I've just installed it on my wiki and am simply thrilled with how fast I now
have a WYSIYWYG-editor up and running!
And the best: it's running side-by-side with the "original" editor-interface, so
all those who do not want to change over don'
I try to use JQuery code in tag extension. Following the manuals I added
in extension.json:
"ResourceModules": {
"ext.Iframe" : {
[ "modules/ext.Iframe.js" ]
in my main.php file:
class IFrame {
public sta
Ah, I see.
Are the JSON blobs dumped somewhere so I can process them using my own
python script or something?
On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:20 PM, Brian Wolff wrote:
> You can't. The value of properties such as GeoNames are literally not
> in the database.
> Very roughly speaking - Wikidata uses
On 2018-03-14 12:11, [[kgh]] wrote:
@Bartosz Could you point me to the configuration of the two repos for
test2wiki? I was not able to find anything related to this in
"InitialiseSettings.php" etc. I suspect / speculate that it is done via
the "ForeignDBViaLBRepo" class which would not help me. B
Thanks a lot for your answers Brian and Bartosz! It indeed is a great
feature if it was possible to configure multiple foreign file repos.
I have just tested on test2wiki and it seems that either the file
uploaded first is preferred or an arbitrary file of the two is used. I
guess I should documen
We have this setup in Wikimedia production (kinda…):
has both and configured as
foreign file repos. Conveniently it's a testing wiki, so you can try out
how exactly this works.
Bartosz Dziewoński
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