Just click the '*tgz*' link and you'll receive a download of all the files
for the extension, from the REL1_24 branch as of that git commit id.
Greg Rundlett
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 2:06 PM, Morten Blaabjerg wrote:
> Is it possible to download for
This sounds great!
On 12/06/18 00:57, Nischay Nahata wrote:
Hi All,
I always notice that our open source work around MediaWiki does not reach
everyone and similarly its difficult to find what awesome work someone else
has done.The only way we find extensions currently is through a web search.
"remote: Pushing to refs/publish/* is deprecated, use refs/for/*" is a new one
in gerrit 2.15+.
they kept backwards support for refs/publish since they knew git-review was
using it.
On Monday, 11 June 2018, 23:50:28 BST, Huji Lee
Every time I submit a patch to gerrit using the
Every time I submit a patch to gerrit using the git review command, I get
two warning messages that I ignore. I just want to make sure that I can
continue to safely ignore them (or else, how to get rid of them).
The first one says:
Using global/system git-review config files
Is it possible to download for instance this version of Cite :
- via the browser, as a zipped file to place on the server?
I know this version of MW is unsupported. Just want to know if there is a
straightforward w
Great Idea :)
On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 10:27 PM Nischay Nahata
> Hi All,
> I always notice that our open source work around MediaWiki does not reach
> everyone and similarly its difficult to find what awesome work someone else
> has done.The only way we find extensions currently is throu
Hi All,
I always notice that our open source work around MediaWiki does not reach
everyone and similarly its difficult to find what awesome work someone else
has done.The only way we find extensions currently is through a web search.
Therefore, I am planning to start a monthly digest email with a