It sounds like your bureaucrat group has the editsitejs right but not the
editsitecss right.
On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 at 10:58, Peter Presland wrote:
> Running MW 1.32.2 with Bureaucrat privilages
> The edit tab does not appear in Mediawiki:Gadget-ReferenceTooltips.css
> although it does appear in
Please copy+paste my URL. There is no ssh in it.
On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 22:36, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 5:35 PM Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 5:30 PM Alex Monk wrote:
> > >
> > > It seems Gerrit assumes you have
It seems Gerrit assumes you have a Gerrit account with an SSH key that
matches one in your SSH agent.
If not, you can use URLs like this instead:
git clone
On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 22:28, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> This makes no sens
Can't Parsoid be made to listen for SIGHUP and reload config from disk?
On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 22:43, Subramanya Sastry
> Hello!
> This has come up previously (
> ) but Parsoid doesn't have this support at this time.
> On startup, Parsoid loads
Did you update the parsoid config? It will need to know where to find the
On Fri, 16 Mar 2018, 04:41 , wrote:
> On 2018-03-16 14:03, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
> >> Hi Greg,
> >>
> >> I have actually already tried adding the REMOTE_ADDR snippet. I have
> used both and the
On 21 January 2016 at 12:29, Ranieri Mazili
> First, I would like to enable upload file directly on Visual Editor, like
> website has, you can see the screenshot of what I need here
> (
This will be part of the 1.27 branch of VE, it's not in 1.2
The fact that the error message is so vague is/was probably a bug but
should have already been fixed. What version of VisualEditor are you using?
The actual error going on behind the scenes might be the software behaving
correctly. You should be able to open your browser's developer tools and
VisualEditor sends off a request like this:
On 4 December 2015 at 19:52, Jan Steinman wrote:
> Having been stung by various upgrades over the years, I tend to not touch
> stuff that isn't broken. I'm running several MediaWiki sites between 1.13
> and 1.16. I'd sorta like to upgrade, but I don't know what that buys me,
> and y'know, they're
What about $wgUseNPPatrol?
On 11 June 2015 at 09:16, David Gerard wrote:
> I have an intranet wiki running 1.23 from tarball, upgraded from 1.19
> (and previously from 1.15 and originally 1.13). $wgUseRCPatrol =
> false; is set because it's an intranet. But "[Mark as patrolled]"
> links are sho
You're welcome. I wonder how APCOND_ISIP and APCOND_IPINRANGE were expected
to work, and if we should deprecate/remove them.
On 28 February 2015 at 23:17, John Horne wrote:
> On Sat, 2015-02-28 at 03:27 +0000, Alex Monk wrote:
> > (CCing wikitech-l)
> > On 28 February 2015
(CCing wikitech-l)
On 28 February 2015 at 01:04, John Horne wrote:
> $wgAutopromote['sysop'] = array(APCOND_ISIP, '');
Wait, what? MediaWiki supports that?! You should not do that.
> However, when I log in and look at the special user rights management
> page for my own userid, I
That person shouldn't even still have a sysop flag... It's reverted now
On 27 February 2015 at 16:38, Yaron Koren wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone now going to will see this image for the logo:
> It's the regular M
Your web server error log should show the error that is causing blank pages
to be returned.
On 17 November 2014 00:06, chris tharp wrote:
> Hi
> So I recently set up a new wiki and have been adding extensions to it. I
> had added must of the core extensions, Semantic Mediawiki via Bundle, and
I don't think any of MediaWiki core tries to access It's
more likely to be a user script in your MediaWiki: namespace or a subpage
of your user page doing it. You should be able to monitor what the requests
are actually doing by using your browser's developer tools.
On 9 Novembe
Just be careful about the 'MediaWiki:' restricted namespace pages. Those
can have things like JavaScript which MediaWiki often deliberately does not
On 2 November 2014 23:20, Bartosz Dziewoński wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Nov 2014 23:53:28 +0100, Boris Steipe
> wrote:
> If I understand the D
Adding ?uselang=qqx to the end of a URL is useful for doing things like
this. It shows you the message keys in use (and the parameters being passed
to them), rather than outputting the actual text.
MediaWiki:Uploadtext does indeed appear on Special:Upload. How did changing
that not help? Can you e
On 29 July 2014 18:06, Kevin Israel wrote:
> On 07/29/2014 11:43 AM, Alex Monk wrote:
> > Argh. Apparently ctrl+enter sends the message, whoops. Anyway, otherwise
> > you can use RequestContext::getMain()->getWikiPage()->getId();
> >
> >
> > On 29 July 201
You may already have an OutputPage object, which is a context source. If so
you can just do $out->getWikiPage()->getId();
On 29 July 2014 16:26, Grue Grue wrote:
> Disclaimer: I am not a coder. I need to pull in a unique identifier for
> each Wiki page for use as a Javascript variable for a s
Argh. Apparently ctrl+enter sends the message, whoops. Anyway, otherwise
you can use RequestContext::getMain()->getWikiPage()->getId();
On 29 July 2014 16:42, Alex Monk wrote:
> You may already have an OutputPage object, which is a context source. If
> so you can just do $out-
From what I can tell by a quick look at the history, contributions, etc.,
the bot randomly stopped back in October and the maintainer has not replied
to the message on their talk page.
On 1 May 2014 21:42, Chris Tharp wrote:
> So does anyone know why the Extension Matrix is not being updated?
Yep, this was likely
I wonder if it would be a good idea to purge all the pages which are using
the Math extension?
On 12 February 2014 21:32, Bartosz Dziewoński wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Feb 2014 21:54:13 +0100, Alexander Dubbs
> wrote:
> On
Go to your preferences and choose the zone from the list in the "Date and
time" tab (or input the offset).
On 5 February 2014 20:32, wrote:
> Folks I really need to be able to display the history and such in the
> local timezone.
> I've been all through this page:
Do you run the wiki? If so, check your HTTP server logs (likely found
somewhere like /var/log/httpd/error.log) which should show the actual error
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Elise Ferguson wrote:
> After making an edit to a wiki page, I received an error message labeled
> "Database
Might be related to
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 3:56 PM, chris tharp wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I recently upgraded to 1.22 and after upgrading I'm getting the following
> error when I try to upload photos:
> Bad Request
> unknown function SpecialUpload:
Nothing happened? Did your browser not change pages? Did you get a blank
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 5:18 AM, John W. Foster wrote:
> As the title say, I just installed mediawiki 1.21.2 on a remotely hosted
> VPS server. I got everything set up using the putty software, and the
> remote serv
I find that an abuse filter (through the AbuseFilter extension) that simply
forces new users trying to add links to confirm their edit works quite well.
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 1:06 AM, Shirley Hicks
> Good evening everyone,
> First post from a newbie.
> I'm relatively new to wik
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:29 PM, sharmistha sen wrote:
> In mediawiki we could not find the relation between the tables and all
> are saved as a blob type. Kindly explain the relationship of the
> tables and uses of all the table. We could find of the table relations
> for use
How is this related to the MediaWiki software?
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Wjhonson wrote:
> I'm strenuously against any "adoption" by the Foundation of these "one of
> many" type sites, no matter if they claim they are "the biggest" or not.
> Once we put our clout behind a site, we are de
Look in your error log (probably something like /var/log/apache2/error.log)
to find out exactly what the error is. This 'Fatal exception of type
MWException' is useless.
Alex Monk
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 8:15 PM, Dmitrii Kouznetsov wrote:
> I upgrade from mediawiki-1.21.0rc1
It sounds like you should have set permissions all the way down -from-
/var/www/html/wiki/images. If the directory 'images/5' is not writeable (it
can be unwriteable even if 'images' is writeable) then you can't create
Alex Monk
On Mon, Jun
Use a template to add the category and text to each page.
On Jul 2, 2012 3:19 AM, "Marcelo Chiaradía"
> Hello,
> I wanna know If there's some way to make that all the pages of a category
> contain a certain text.
> I've been looking at CategoryFunctions extension, but I think it is not
MediaWiki 1.15.1 released 13th July 2009.
PHP 5.1.6 released 24th August 2006.
Why are these so out of date?
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Haim (Howard) Roman wrote:
> - mediawiki -- 1.15.1
> - PHP -- 5.1.6 (apache2handler)
MediaWiki-l mai
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