Le 10/02/2016 18:20, luc AUGARDE-Telem@c a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> j'ai de nombreux problèmes pour migrer mediawiki de la version 1.24.1 à
> la 1.26.2
> maintenant
>php maintenance/update.php me donne :
> PHP Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in
> /var/www/html/mediawiki-1.26.2/extensi
Le 18/01/2016 14:25, Bill Traynor a écrit :
> This really depends on what you'll be using the wiki for and whether
> it's public or not. However, for a general idea of what others have
> installed, you can see a list of popular extensions on WikiApiary
> here: https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Extensio
Le 01/12/2014 23:38, Jim Hu a écrit :
> Just noticed that it's gone and found this in my email archives...
> So, how do I get the tests directory for 1.23.7 from git?
> Jim
Use a git clone, checkout the 1.23.7 tag and you copy the /tests/ directory.
Warning: it is a TERRIBLE idea to run tests
Le 27/11/2014 09:20, Federico Leva (Nemo) a écrit :
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.24 is horrible.
> ** Developers, do you really not bother boasting about the fantastic
> improvements you made to core which are worth an upgrade?
For 1.18 I added a few pictures to the relea
Le 22/10/2014 20:06, Daniel Renfro a écrit :
> While looking into upgrading my 1.22.5 installation to 1.23.5, I noticed that
> the tests/ directory was missing. Looking in git it is there for the REL1_23,
> but seems to have vanished in the tarballs for releases?
> Am I missing something? or a
Le 23/07/2014 18:57, Rowe, Dolores A a écrit :
> Dear Wiki'ers,
> I added the following debug variables to a MediaWiki 1.22.8 LocalSettings.php
> on Windows that is giving me some troubles.
> $wgShowExceptionDetails=true;
> $wgShowSQLErrors = true;
> $wgDebugDumpSql = true;
> $wgShowDBErrorBack
Le 08/07/2014 09:04, Finne Boonen a écrit :
> Tim Starling just told me there's no unsubscribe link in the footer of
> these mails. Can a relevant admin add one?
> henna
> ___
> MediaWiki-l mailing list
> MediaWiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists
Le 01/07/2014 00:18, Yan Seiner a écrit :
> I am trying to get the Visual Editor working in my 1.24 wmf11 Mediawiki
> install.
> 'dependencies' => array(
> # 'ext.parsoid.styles',
> ),
> So... Where and how do I find this dependency?
Le 24/06/2014 18:12, Legault, Phillip [ITSUS] a écrit :
> Is there a way to join?
That is described on Andre link:
#wikimedia-office on Freenode IRC - You can use
http://webchat.freenode.net if you don't have an IRC client.
Le 01/03/2014 12:45, David Gerard a écrit :
> I have discovered to my horror that I'm responsible for a MediaWiki
> that's at 1.19.4. Obviously, I want to bring it up to 1.19.12.
> Trouble is, not all the old patches are available. Is there an actual
> reason for this, or were they just deleted
Le 31/12/13 00:06, Jim Hu a écrit :
> We have an extension that has modified the schema with a view. Using MW 1.19
> and mySQL 5.6, I'm trying to learn unit testing to do some code archaeology
> and refactoring. When I run tests/phpunit/phpunit.php I get:
> $ php phpunit.php
> PHPUnit 3.7.28
Le 24/10/13 02:31, Mark A. Hershberger a écrit :
> Only the amount of trouble that I have run into. Come sit on the
> Support Desk for a while -- we get several requests for help with
> Scribunto a week.
> If the problem is going to be addressed, we need more testing against
> different environm
Le 11/10/13 18:33, Daniel Renfro a écrit :
> Have a look at the documentation at:
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CategoryTagSorter
> View the code at:
> https://git.wikimedia.org/log/mediawiki%2Fextensions%2FCategoryTagSorter
I have added the Jenkins jobs that runs the unit tests :-]
Le 14/10/13 06:38, Tito Dutta a écrit :
> We have installed Scribunto
> (http://sarkarverse.org/wiki/Special:Version), but it is not working
> properly. Please see this page and the errors:
> http://sarkarverse.org/wiki/Ananda_Marga
> Can someone help to fix these errors?
And for posterity, the
Le 23/09/13 17:13, Wjhonson a écrit :
> Camponez wrote:
> > I use a Firefox addon (it's all text) to edit wiki pages on
> > an external editor
> What is the advantage of that?
Instead of the black'n white textarea, you are now using your favorite
editor with syntax highlightning :-)
Le 18/06/13 02:29, David Mills a écrit :
> [5e95aa11] /wiki/Special:ConfirmEmail Exception from line 239 of
D:\Program Files (x86)\Apache2.2\htdocs\w\includes\UserMailer.php: PEAR
mail package is not installed
This is because PHP can not find the Mail.php that comes with PEAR mail
For quite sometime now, we wanted to get PHPUnit code coverage reports
to be generated automatically for us [BUG 31518]. This is now generated
by Jenkins and made available at the following URL:
The interface let you brow
Le 16/02/13 21:59, Sifu a écrit :
> Wiki! could not send your confirmation mail. Please check your e-mail
> address for invalid characters. Mailer returned: Failed to connect to
> X.X.X.X:25 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: A connection attempt failed
> because the connected party did not properly
Le 07/02/13 22:28, Quim Gil a écrit :
> Now http://www.mwusers.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?43-MediaWiki-Market
> appears at the top and there is a new link to the MediaWiki skills page
> at LinkedIn.
Ah seems good to me. Btw, mwusers.com is a nice support community :-)
Antoine "hashar" Mu
Le 15/12/12 14:52, GIC - Lukas a écrit :
> because it’s christmas and I want to improve my coding language
> skills to write better articles in my wiki
> (http://wiki.de.grepolis.com/wiki/Hauptseite) I am searching for a
> book about coding in wiki.
> What languages can I use in my wiki articles
Le 05/07/12 13:19, Chad a écrit :
> This has been around for ages. It's called server side includes[0].
Then someone wrote a cgi for his personal home pages
Antoine "hashar" Musso
MediaWiki-l mailing list
Le 11/06/12 10:47, Helmut Hullen wrote:
> Table 'dbxyz.cu_changes' doesn't exist (dbxy.example.com)".
It looks like this is a table from the CheckUser extension. Have you
installed that extension recently? It definitely need some databases
tables which can be automatically created using maintenanc
Le 30/05/12 08:14, Jeremy Baron a écrit :
> Please avoid using that script if you can. If you're using a halfway
> decent host (or running your own server/working locally) then there's
> much better ways to do an import. If you need help importing a MySQL
> dump you can tell us more about what you'
Svip wrote:
> I apologise in advance for the response in English. I have not had a
> lot of experience with an IIS Windows Server (or either one of those
> two).
Feel free to reply publicly in Japanese :-)
Antoine "hashar" Musso
MediaWiki-l m
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