> > -Original Message-
> > From: Bjorn Kassoe Andersen [mailto:kas...@direction.dk]
> > Sent: 5. februar 2010 17:38
> > To: 'MediaWiki announcements and site admin list'
> > Subject: Order of 1st-2nd names of persons in page titles and
1st name = given name
2nd name = surname
> -Original Message-
> From: Bjorn Kassoe Andersen [mailto:kas...@direction.dk]
> Sent: 5. februar 2010 17:38
> To: 'MediaWiki announcements and site admin list'
> Subject: Order of 1st-2nd names
Bjorn Kassoe Andersen
Direction Group ApS | communication with integrity
b...@direction.dk - www.direction.dk/bka-en
Landline: (+45) 75 77 03 30 - Mobile: (+45) 42 44 03 30
Skype: callto://kassoe
Networks: Linkedin,
Does anyone know if the setups described here
provide a relatively secure solution that is not to easy to hack?
I would like to use mediawiki in closed user group (in which all users will
be having full access to all parts