A small group of people in Philadelphia publish http://wikidelphia.org

It's primarily an index to Philadelphia web sites. The category system we use is unique so I'm wondering if it might be possible to add a feature to the display of each category at the bottom of each page.

I'd like each category to show it's usage info like this:

 Is-Church (14 C, 31 P)

Above, I've shown what I'd like to see for each category on each and every page... That way, people looking at a page would know how many results will come up when clicking on a particular category on the list at the bottom of each page.

As an example here is how I'd like to see the categories displayed for the page "Career Wardrobe" http://wikidelphia.org/wiki/Career_Wardrobe

Categories: Does-Free Clothing (2 P) | Is-Clothing Store (5 P) | Is-Nonprofit Organization (401 P) | Is-Social Enterprise (7 P) | Is-Social Service (118 P) | Is-Store (4 P) | Is-Thrift Store (2 P) | Sells-Clothing (7 P) | Sells-Clothing Accessories (6 P) | Serves-Unemployed People (28 P) | Serves-Women (23 P) |Serves-Women In Transition (6 P)

(they don't need to be in BOLD, and please excuse any typos in the above, it was done in a text editor as I was falling asleep)

I think Wikidelphia will be more exciting if when someone looks at a page, they can instantly know if a category is a large one, a small one, or somewhere in between. In the above example, it's clear that Is-Social Service and Is-Nonprofit Organization are both very popular categories.

Let me know if you have any ideas about how to accomplish this change. Or, feel free to write me if you have questions about Wikidelphia.

You can reach me more directly as <s...@communitymagic.org>

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