Thanks so much for your advice, I tried it but did not know how to do it.
Can anyone advise me? Thanks Vitek
I think what you are looking for is the job runner service. This is
available at:
Both the redisJobChronService, which handles delayed
The job runner or cron are two separate solutions:
For the job runner, both services take a command line option
'--config-file=/path/to/my/config'. You can clone the repository to just
about anywhere, and start them up. These services run as a daemon and will
continuously run. That also means they
I think I see what you mean: I can keep the configuration file in the
MediaWiki directory and not in /etc as the Phabricator entry suggested.
All right, what directory do I "clone" jobrunner into, and how often
should I set up cron to run it?
On 09/28/2015 07:02 PM, Erik Bernhardson
You will not need root access, but you will need shell access to run the
job runner service. In theory you should be able to just put runJobs in
cron, the job runner will just run things sooner and with more parallelism
(if necessary).
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Temlakos wrote:
> That sou
That sounds like something a root-access admin needs to install. I've
asked quite enough favors of my Web hosts without adding another one.
Are you sure this is the only way to get jobs run when setting
#wgJobRunRate to zero? Why shouldn't I set up a cron job to run every
hour on the hour?
I think what you are looking for is the job runner service. This is
available at:
Both the redisJobChronService, which handles delayed jobs, and the
redisJobRunnerService, which handles jobs ready to run need to be used.
On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at
What's this instruction all about, on the page:
They're telling me to set $wgJobRunRate to zero. But they don't say
whether it should stay that way permanently. Now if it does, that means
one of us has to