I'm Giacomo and in the company I'm working for we're using Mediawiki 1.18.1 with the Semantic Bundle installed ( version 20120327, Semantic Media Wiki version 1.7.1 ). We recently tried to upgrade mediawiki to version 1.22 and Semantic Media Wiki to version 1.9.1 and now we are facing a problem with a javascript library: the library is called Sgvizler (http://dev.data2000.no/sgvizler/) and it's used to query a Sparql endpoint and visualize the results using the google chart visualization libraries ( https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/index). As explained in the sgvizler documentation, inserting a div tag with the correct attributes, the library will draw the requested charts; you just need to import the sgvizler.js file and the script for the google api (https://www.google.com/jsapi). Calling the sgvizler library from an html test page it works just fine, while if we put the html code (see the attached file) inside a wiki page (between <html>...</html> tags, setting $wgRawHtml=true in LocalSettings.php) the browser freezes and stop responding ("script stopped responding") (both Firefox and Chrome). It should be noticed that the same wiki page with the same content is correctly rendered in mediawiki 1.18.1, using the extension Widgets (version 0.9.2); in mediawiki 1.22.7 we tried the library embedding it in extesion Widgets version 0.9.2, 1.0 and 1.1, and also without using Widgets (as depicted above).

I think the issue is a javascript/client problem with the visualization libraries, since the sparql endpoint receives the query and the results are sent back correctly.
Debugging, the execution seems to stop/loop on the Script:

Since the library is working just fine with mediawiki 1.18.1, could the issue have something to do with resources/libraries loaded in mediawiki 1.22? I noticed that in the mw 1.22 source page there are these lines in the header:


while in mw 1.18 we just have:

   if (window.mw){

What are your suggestions to track down this problem?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Giacomo Fiorini
mail: gfiorini[at]imolinfo.it
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