Sending a copy to wikitech-l, because this is a little bit more generic
than "just" MediaWiki.
the first one means you have something in /etc/git-review/git-review.conf,
which is probably unneeded. I suggest you to delete that file. On my
system, it doesn't exist.
The second one is caused
"remote: Pushing to refs/publish/* is deprecated, use refs/for/*" is a new one
in gerrit 2.15+.
they kept backwards support for refs/publish since they knew git-review was
using it.
On Monday, 11 June 2018, 23:50:28 BST, Huji Lee
Every time I submit a patch to gerrit using the
Every time I submit a patch to gerrit using the git review command, I get
two warning messages that I ignore. I just want to make sure that I can
continue to safely ignore them (or else, how to get rid of them).
The first one says:
Using global/system git-review config files