
I have a question for those of you running SVN (or a similar CVS.) We here
at EcoliWiki.net have a small number of people working on active development
of extensions, and we keep those extensions in an SVN repository. We have
the repository divided into four top-level directories, described as:

(a.) trunk/ - main development branch; holds the code that is used on our
development site.
(b.) production/ - code that gets run on the production server, rarely ever
(c.) branches/ - seperate lines of active development
(d.) tags/ - snapshots of the repository at certain revisions

The reason for having a fourth ("production") directory is that sometimes we
find bugs in the production code that need to changed immediately.
Idealistically we should fix these bugs in trunk/ and let those changes
propogate to the production server whenever we create a "tag."
Realistically, though, this is not the case...some things need to be fixed
right away and can't wait for a full turn of the development-cycle. It gets
really annoying trying to merge the changes between trunk/ and produciton/ -
sometimes a change is made in one and not the other, creating what I call
"dev-site drift."

I am wondering how others' repositories are set up and how those with
mirrored development/produciton servers have their wiki's set up. What has
worked for you? Any good advice?

-Daniel Renfro

Hu Lab Research Associate
MS 2128 Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
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