Farkas, Illes wrote:
> Thanks, Platonides.
>> The revisions themselves don't store bot edits (bug 11181).
> Didn't notice... thanks a lot for mentioning this!
> Do you happen to know of a precise definition of what is in the
> pages-meta-history files? Or: what was excluded from these file
Thanks, Platonides.
> The revisions themselves don't store bot edits (bug 11181).
Didn't notice... thanks a lot for mentioning this!
Do you happen to know of a precise definition of what is in the
pages-meta-history files? Or: what was excluded from these files? Or:
could you please send the (tr
Farkas, Illes escribió:
> Dear All,
> We work with pages-meta-history files.
> Can robots (among the editors)
> be identified by their names or any other properties?
> Is there a list of known robots?
Or using the API:
Dear All,
We work with pages-meta-history files. Can robots (among the editors)
be identified by their names or any other properties? Is there a list
of known robots? Are there different types of robots?
Happy Holidays
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