Sorry fellas, I'm it seems, are many others...

There is absolutely nothing that has happened here that leads me to believe
that the same idiotic execution of non-communication will not happen again.

Let's tell some truth here for a change:

Basically, now Intel has decided that its two little experiments in
community building did not bear the fruit of creating an instant ecosystem,
so they've packed up and went home.

Now, it's like a divorcee on the rebound, trying to jump into bed with the
first person who will sleep with them...

The first time this happens, I can definitely blame it on the market...
The second time this happens, I could blame it on a conspiracy to keep open
devices out of the market...

But now we're on what amounts to try #3 of this consortium... Try #3, that
seems to have been launched _EXACTLY_ the same way as try #2, unilaterally,
and without consent...mostly because those in charge were acting like
parents about to be divorced, telling them that everything was going to be
okay...until it wasn't...and now? the whole community of users is
being told they have to go live with what may amount to a distant relative
(I say this in response to LiMo's rather strange past.)

To those with the money:

* You tied the hands of the community leaders. Time and time again, to do
what amounted to making sure that your own short term financial interests
were kept, at the expense of a potential community of users who could have
helped you. Shame on you.

To those in charge of this community:

* You did not communicate, once again, that things were changing. Shame on

There is a whole list of things I would have potentially liked to say...

...but I'm done. I'm exhausted. Being burned this many times leaves me with
no skin.



On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:06 AM, Alison Chaiken <> wrote:

> Martin Grimme writes:
> > At least the WeTab MeeGo tablet will transition to Tizen.
> Do you know that for a fact?   Has 4Tiitoo announced Tizen participation?
> Dave Neary writes:
> > Tizen is clearly a continuity of MeeGo, with HTML5 and WAC as the
> > primary developer APIs instead of Qt and QML. I don't get how you can
> > say that everything is dropped,
> When LiMo and LiFo discuss Tizen, they don't mention MeeGo even once.
>  That's because Tizen is going to be LiMo with an HTML5 interface.
>  Maybe they'll take connman or uxlaunch or some other minor thing from
> MeeGo.
> --
> Alison Chaiken
> (650) 279-5600  (cell)
> "What you do for a living is not be creative, what you do is ship." --
> Seth Godin,
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