A Quick Look at MeeGo Platform in Bugzilla (http://bugs.meego.com/).
2010-07-19 through 2010-07-25

As of 2010-07-26 MeeGo Platform contains 3161 items (+78),
including 1104 open issues (+7):
* open bugs: 1015 (+5)
        * critical: 28 (+4)
        * security: 2
        * assigned: 201 (+16)
        * needinfo: 72 (+8)
        * waiting for upstream: 84 (+19)
        * reopened: 67 (-3)
        * unconfirmed: 0
* open enhancements: 89 (+2)
        * assigned: 29 (-1)
        * needinfo: 1
        * waiting for upstream: 2
        * reopened: 8
        * unconfirmed: 0

==--- New Items ---==

69 bugs were opened -
* [3925] [Handset User Experience] No correct display but whole white
screen shows out when video plays
* [3926] [Development Tools] --release= does automatic .tar.bz2 packaging
* [3927] [OS Middleware] [REG] Black screen then white screen
appearing for almost 2 mins before displaying home screen
* [3928] [Netbook User Experience] system suspend automatically after
idle(no keystroke or touch) 5 minutes
* [3929] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]No album showed in
the photo viewer
* [3930] [Handset User Experience] [REG]Can NOT start connectivity applet
* [3931] [OS Base] TSNOfficeWLAN wifi connection is not stable on a
Acer AspireOne
* [3932] [OS Base] Failed to resume from S3 sometimes (40%)
* [3933] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]The photo viewer
can't turn into the portrait mode
* [3934] [Handset User Experience] Clicking an already open
application doesn't brings up the application
* [3935] [Handset User Experience] [Netbook]No Icon Display for few applications
* [3936] [OS Base] D-Bus daemon spins to 100% CPU when a client
disconnects after gcc4.5 upgrade. Optimization bug suspected.
* [3938] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] RUS: unable to use Russian keyboard
* [3939] [Handset User Experience] Corrupt image (vertical offset)
under mcompositor
* [3940] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]No response when
clicking the photo in photo title bar view
* [3941] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]The photo thumbnails
list area will be black after the slideshow mode ends
* [3942] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]The delete confirm
dialog is a little rough
* [3943] [Handset User Experience] Can NOT show GUI of standard QT
application on handset image
* [3944] [OS Base] [Russellville] Integrate Timberdale driver in Kernel-2.6.35
* [3945] [OS Base] [Russellville] onboard iNAND device not detected
* [3946] [Development Tools] Can't update gcc from 4.4.2-13.11 to 4.5.0-2.7
* [3947] [Automotive User Experience] processes become defunct if
closed by ivihome
* [3948] [OS Middleware] zypper doesn't work on handset cdk image
* [3949] [OS Middleware] move gnome-bluetooth(-gnome) from netbook
repo to core repo
* [3950] [Automotive User Experience] integrate CEDeviceManager into IVI(trunk)
* [3952] [OS Base] [MRST] cannot find input device node for
mrst_analog_accel under /sys
* [3953] [Automotive User Experience] meegophotos not rendered in IVI
* [3954] [Netbook User Experience] After remove YUM ,The application >
settings > language cannot be launched.
* [3955] [OS Middleware] Wrong repository links in yum configuration files
* [3956] [Netbook User Experience] Clicking "Add new web account"
twice makes gnome-control-center a blank window
* [3957] [OS Middleware] Package repository doesn't contain all the
packages like 'mysql'
* [3959] [Development Tools] some graphics application can't run
* [3960] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]The photo can't be
full screen in the single photo view after showing the title bar
* [3961] [Development Tools] python segmentation fault on SHCDK
* [3963] [OS Middleware] Upgrade to FreeType 2.4.1
* [3964] [OS Base] [MRST] mount and /proc/mounts show conflict info
about root filesystem when booting from SD card
* [3965] [Development Tools] MIC fails to build an image out of Trunk:Testing
* [3966] [OS Base] uxlaunch fails to start X server in Virtual Box
* [3968] [OS Middleware] mozilla plugins from totem are missing (for
playback video in web browser)
* [3969] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] Finnish translation error
* [3972] [OS Middleware] sensord can't be started automatically when system boot
* [3973] [Netbook User Experience] Can MeeGo input or type Monetary
sign such as EURO sign or Korean WON
* [3974] [OS Middleware] please provide libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10
devel files in gstreamer
* [3975] [Netbook User Experience] File transfer from MeeGo machine to
Win7 machine is always damaged
* [3976] [Netbook User Experience] Netbook switches off when power
switch is slid to power off position without giving an opportunity to
respond to the power off message displayed.
* [3977] [Netbook User Experience] Doubled service entries
* [3978] [Handset User Experience] [L10N] Dialer needs to be translatable
* [3979] [OS Middleware] move gnome-packagekit from netbook repo to core repo
* [3980] [OS Middleware] move gnome-settings-daemon from netbook repo
to core repo
* [3981] [OS Base] [MRST] touch screen driver easy to fail
* [3982] [OS Middleware] Mouse and keyboard not works on 0720.2 image
* [3983] [OS Base] [CDK] isl29020's lux_output value always shows 0
* [3984] [Netbook User Experience] Devices panel is broken after
executing S3/resume several times.
* [3985] [Handset User Experience] [REG] Fennec cannot be launched
* [3986] [Handset User Experience] File 'repomd.xml' from repository
Core Repository' is signed with an unknown key
* [3987] [OS Middleware] connman depend on ntpd instead of ntp
* [3988] [Handset User Experience] Can not end the held call
* [3990] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]Some thumbnails can't be showed
* [3991] [OS Base] [trunk:testing] Image can't boot up.
* [3992] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]A gray bar shows in
the right edge when the first time showing photo full view
* [3993] [Netbook User Experience] No pop-up message show up while
receive a file via Bluetooth.
* [3998] [Development Tools] --release= option produces .ks that is
not following the required naming conventions
* [4003] [Netbook User Experience] app icons not classified in large
resolution screen
* [4004] [Netbook User Experience] Google chrome does not start in
netbook image built from daily repos
* [4005] [OS Middleware] GTK+:  Scrollbars disappear when scrollable
widget is stored in GtkScrolledWindow inside a GtkLayout
* [4006] [OS Base] Aava Touch Screen doesn't work
* [4007] [Development Tools] Wrong path for mic-image-convertor in
mic-chroot line#233 et al
* [4008] [OS Middleware] installing a local RPM file with Pkcon always
returns an error
* [4009] [Netbook User Experience] Light switch buttons are missing
their symbols

Of these, 5 were critical -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3929,3936,3985,3991,4006 ):
* [3929] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]No album showed in
the photo viewer
* [3936] [OS Base] D-Bus daemon spins to 100% CPU when a client
disconnects after gcc4.5 upgrade. Optimization bug suspected.
* [3985] [Handset User Experience] [REG] Fennec cannot be launched
* [3991] [OS Base] [trunk:testing] Image can't boot up.
* [4006] [OS Base] Aava Touch Screen doesn't work

2 enhancements were opened -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3962,3989 ):
* [3962] [OS Base] Add NFS support
* [3989] [OS Middleware] no clear rules for password setting in firstboot

==--- Resolved Bugs ---==

47 bugs were resolved "fixed" -
* [193] [Netbook User Experience] Video can't be seeked during the
first time playback
* [802] [Netbook User Experience] Banshee will not play selected media
file after play an unsupported codec
* [1115] [Netbook User Experience] banshee will hang after 2~3 hours
continuous playing video
* [1384] [OS Middleware] swrast does not support GLX1.3 API of glXCreateWindow
* [1633] [Netbook User Experience] "All Settings" button is in English
in every Settings window
* [1640] [Netbook User Experience] "Password" string in English in the
new email account window
* [1659] [OS Middleware] [ThinkPad X200] Sometimes Xorg freezes
* [1692] [Development Tools] Provide MIC support for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
* [1994] [OS Middleware] [REG] 3G state is Connected instead of
online, when user can surf web page through 3G
* [2156] [Netbook User Experience] Devices> Sound: various strings are
in English
* [2178] [Development Tools] Can not detect phonesim modem
* [2315] [Development Tools] Extra packages on N900 image
* [2625] [Netbook User Experience] Garage Client window can not be
moved or resized
* [2628] [Netbook User Experience] Not possible to unhide the toolbar
* [2684] [Netbook User Experience] Media player has no stop -> can't
unmount USB-drive
* [2856] [OS Middleware] Install update patches can’t be completed
from UI if packages list too long
* [3218] [Netbook User Experience] Clicking on links from Myzone
messages doesn't work
* [3251] [OS Middleware] SVG format picture can NOT be opened
* [3377] [OS Middleware] Application abort when calling bindTexure() function
* [3401] [Development Tools] updating spectacle package in tools repo to 0.17
* [3410] [OS Base] pcie_pme: probe failed with error -13
* [3477] [OS Middleware] kernel oops in i915_gem_do_execbuffer when
running urbanterror
* [3535] [Netbook User Experience] Message box in myzone settings not localized
* [3582] [Netbook User Experience] The Sound application can't be
opened while Banshee playing video.
* [3606] [OS Base] [MRST] SPI works abnormally: spi status keeps busy
for 1000us after a read/write
* [3636] [Netbook User Experience] Interacting with open/save file
dialog rised from Flash application leads to crash
* [3687] [OS Base] [MRST]pmic_touch failed to read PMIC id
* [3706] [Development Tools] Phonesim doesn't launch
* [3741] [Netbook User Experience] moblin-web-panel crashing since upgrade
* [3790] [OS Base] CPU 100% wake state on idle system
* [3796] [OS Middleware] system can't be installed since no graphic
installation navigation avaible
* [3797] [OS Middleware] XKB compiled keyboard description file should
be cached in a proper place
* [3801] [Development Tools] liberation-fonts-compat should be removed
from group meego-base-x and meego-minimal-x
* [3809] [Netbook User Experience] Internet Panel panels fail to lanuch
* [3826] [Netbook User Experience] SD card can not be auto-mounted
* [3828] [OS Middleware] [installer-shell] not reboot by pressing
*any* key after installation completed
* [3829] [OS Middleware] Screen corruption after change resolution to 800x600
* [3857] [OS Middleware] network panel and dhclient doesn't work
* [3878] [Netbook User Experience] chromium:Webpage history can not be
shown on myzone
* [3889] [Automotive User Experience] upgrade ivihome to 1.7 in trunk
* [3895] [OS Base] [IVI][REG] Russellville onboard bt chip can NOT be
detected (nc)
* [3903] [Handset User Experience] GMA600 graphics driver deadlocks
* [3947] [Automotive User Experience] processes become defunct if
closed by ivihome
* [3960] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]The photo can't be
full screen in the single photo view after showing the title bar
* [3961] [Development Tools] python segmentation fault on SHCDK
* [3968] [OS Middleware] mozilla plugins from totem are missing (for
playback video in web browser)
* [3985] [Handset User Experience] [REG] Fennec cannot be launched
  (nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

9 bugs were resolved "invalid" -
* [3349] [Netbook User Experience] OpenOffice.org can't display CJK
characters with Droid Sans font
* [3405] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]No playback control bar
at the bottom in the video list view
* [3815] [OS Base] Kernel hang at boot on CDK
* [3923] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]No photo showed in
single photo mode and slideshow mode
* [3948] [OS Middleware] zypper doesn't work on handset cdk image (nc)
* [3955] [OS Middleware] Wrong repository links in yum configuration files
* [3957] [OS Middleware] Package repository doesn't contain all the
packages like 'mysql'
* [3974] [OS Middleware] please provide libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10
devel files in gstreamer
* [3990] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]Some thumbnails can't be showed
  (nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

3 bugs were resolved "wontfix" -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=220,2935,3708 ):
* [220] [Handset User Experience] Update to
Day/Month/Year/Hour/Minute/Second in settings doesn't take effect
* [2935] [Handset User Experience] The profile settings (Ringing,
silent, beep, loud) doesn't work
* [3708] [Handset User Experience] Date & Time application doesn't
work correctly

12 bugs were resolved "duplicate" -
* [2836] [Netbook User Experience] ALL: LANGUAGE SETTINGS: Change
folder name to  the correct language dialog does not work .
* [3747] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] ALL: Settings> Myzone: Alert in
ENU when clearing recent documents
* [3794] [Netbook User Experience] internet panel freezes
* [3842] [OS Middleware] WiFi is gone after S3 on Ralink wireless modules.
* [3877] [Netbook User Experience] gnome-volume-control is not installed
* [3893] [Netbook User Experience] BT can not pairing successful
between two MeeGo system.
* [3933] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]The photo viewer
can't turn into the portrait mode
* [3956] [Netbook User Experience] Clicking "Add new web account"
twice makes gnome-control-center a blank window
* [3975] [Netbook User Experience] File transfer from MeeGo machine to
Win7 machine is always damaged
* [3976] [Netbook User Experience] Netbook switches off when power
switch is slid to power off position without giving an opportunity to
respond to the power off message displayed.
* [3988] [Handset User Experience] Can not end the held call
* [4008] [OS Middleware] installing a local RPM file with Pkcon always
returns an error

3 bugs were resolved "worksforme" -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2939,3545,3954 ):
* [2939] [Handset User Experience] Icons (battery, flight mode,
date&time) on System UI disappear after rebooting system
* [3545] [Netbook User Experience] The shutdown dialog string is not
localized (nc)
* [3954] [Netbook User Experience] After remove YUM ,The application >
settings > language cannot be launched. (nc)
  (nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

0 bugs were resolved "moved".

==--- Resolved Enhancements ---==

1 enhancement was resolved "fixed" -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=3407 ):
* [3407] [Netbook User Experience] Eye of Gnome should be replaced
with Gthumb to provide editing functionality

0 enhancements were resolved "invalid".

0 enhancements were resolved "wontfix".

0 enhancements were resolved "duplicate".

0 enhancements were resolved "worksforme".

0 enhancements were resolved "moved".

==--- Released Items ---==

31 bugs were released -
* [193] [Netbook User Experience] Video can't be seeked during the
first time playback
* [802] [Netbook User Experience] Banshee will not play selected media
file after play an unsupported codec
* [1115] [Netbook User Experience] banshee will hang after 2~3 hours
continuous playing video
* [1262] [OS Middleware] All captions under each icon are in English
in localized images
* [1633] [Netbook User Experience] "All Settings" button is in English
in every Settings window
* [1640] [Netbook User Experience] "Password" string in English in the
new email account window
* [1667] [Netbook User Experience] Anerley: Integrate latest PO files
and update LINGUAS before May 7
* [1882] [OS Middleware] [REG] bluetooth panel is still in
"Unavailable" when re-enable the netbook bluetooth device
* [1956] [Netbook User Experience] UI loses icon pictures and
screenshots pictures and buttons become disabled after garage
application is used for a while
* [2133] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] Evolution Express: E-mail
application contains unlocalized strings
* [2144] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] Installer: "Review and modify
partition layout" string in english
* [2156] [Netbook User Experience] Devices> Sound: various strings are
in English
* [2158] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] Time & date: strings not
localized, OK in PO files
* [2178] [Development Tools] Can not detect phonesim modem
* [2304] [Netbook User Experience] Add correct licences to various packages
* [2488] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] pagenumber tags visible in Widget menu
* [2494] [OS Base] MeeGo does not install from USB Device on HP Netbook
* [2625] [Netbook User Experience] Garage Client window can not be
moved or resized
* [2628] [Netbook User Experience] Not possible to unhide the toolbar
* [2684] [Netbook User Experience] Media player has no stop -> can't
unmount USB-drive
* [3342] [Netbook User Experience] Integrate latest PO files and update LINGUAS
* [3573] [Netbook User Experience] gnome-terminal configuration dialog
to big for 1024x600, cannot confirm changes.
* [3636] [Netbook User Experience] Interacting with open/save file
dialog rised from Flash application leads to crash
* [3706] [Development Tools] Phonesim doesn't launch
* [3713] [Netbook User Experience] ALL: File Browser> Preferences
window cut off at bottom
* [3841] [Netbook User Experience] Wrong file lists in gnome-user-docs.spec
* [3849] [Netbook User Experience] System shuts down without user confirmation
* [3857] [OS Middleware] network panel and dhclient doesn't work
* [3903] [Handset User Experience] GMA600 graphics driver deadlocks
* [3968] [OS Middleware] mozilla plugins from totem are missing (for
playback video in web browser)
* [3985] [Handset User Experience] [REG] Fennec cannot be launched

0 enhancements were released.

==--- Security Bugs ---==

0 bugs were flagged.

==--- Confirmed Items ---==

0 bugs were confirmed.

0 enhancements were confirmed.

==--- Assigned Items ---==

26 bugs were assigned -
* [2376] [OS Middleware] Update QtCreator to version 1.3.80
* [2851] [OS Base] [Aspireone NAV50][wifi AR9825]WIFI device was down
after system resume from sleep mode sometimes
* [3208] [Netbook User Experience] gnome-terminal setting transparent
background coredump on launch
* [3283] [Netbook User Experience] “Take Screenshot” fail to grab
the current window sometimes if set a delay of 0 seconds
* [3288] [Netbook User Experience] Files in home user directory were
not moved to translated folders after set system language as Chinese
* [3477] [OS Middleware] kernel oops in i915_gem_do_execbuffer when
running urbanterror (nc)
* [3547] [Handset User Experience] Status Indicators: source code
contains object files
* [3650] [OS Middleware] Wifi_driver_rt2860: WLAN signal lost
* [3794] [Netbook User Experience] internet panel freezes (nc)
* [3832] [OS Middleware] Can not create certification file
* [3834] [OS Middleware] Connman will crash if cancel the connection
When state is configuring
* [3854] [OS Middleware] [Trunk:testing] X cannot startup with error
"no screens found".
* [3878] [Netbook User Experience] chromium:Webpage history can not be
shown on myzone (nc)
* [3882] [Netbook User Experience] Chromium shows white screen when
switching online video to full screen mode
* [3886] [OS Middleware] X easily crash when launching more than 2
apps after system start up
* [3897] [OS Middleware] Sometimes Bluetooth device status in
bluetooth panel and networks panel are not sync
* [3916] [Handset User Experience] [Netbook] black screen when system startup
* [3920] [OS Middleware] [Aava] [REG]Dialer cannot be launched because
the simulated modem cannot be enabled
* [3930] [Handset User Experience] [REG]Can NOT start connectivity applet
* [3934] [Handset User Experience] Clicking an already open
application doesn't brings up the application
* [3938] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] RUS: unable to use Russian keyboard
* [3954] [Netbook User Experience] After remove YUM ,The application >
settings > language cannot be launched.
* [3981] [OS Base] [MRST] touch screen driver easy to fail
* [3987] [OS Middleware] connman depend on ntpd instead of ntp
* [4004] [Netbook User Experience] Google chrome does not start in
netbook image built from daily repos
* [4009] [Netbook User Experience] Light switch buttons are missing
their symbols
  (nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

1 enhancement was assigned -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2505 ):
* [2505] [OS Base] huawei e169 not work

==--- Reopened Items ---==

8 bugs were reopened -
* [1256] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] [i18N] Printing application only
contains English in different language systems
* [2828] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] ALL localized languages: TASK:
Unlocalized license agreement.
* [2856] [OS Middleware] Install update patches can’t be completed
from UI if packages list too long (nc)
* [3251] [OS Middleware] SVG format picture can NOT be opened (nc)
* [3545] [Netbook User Experience] The shutdown dialog string is not localized
* [3895] [OS Base] [IVI][REG] Russellville onboard bt chip can NOT be detected
* [3948] [OS Middleware] zypper doesn't work on handset cdk image
* [3954] [Netbook User Experience] After remove YUM ,The application >
settings > language cannot be launched.
  (nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

0 enhancements were reopened.

==--- Unloved Items ---==

0 bugs were needing love.

0 enhancements were needing love.

==--- Top Tens ---==

Ten biggest open bugs by number of votes -
1. (33%) [1980] [OS Middleware] NTFS images can not be mounted
2. (11%) [2522] [OS Middleware] wifi_driver_rt2860: Wlan won't connect
when SSID is hidden (+1 this week)
3. (7%) [287] [OS Base] [Dell MINI 9; HP mini 210]
Wifi_Driver_Wl(broadcom 4312): wifi driver not available (+3 this
4. (7%) [1150] [OS Base] [Samsung N140]AR9285:Wifi is not supported
for Moblin v2 on netbook Samsung N140!
5. (7%) [2535] [Netbook User Experience] Twitter Client will not connect
6. (4%) [1371] [OS Middleware] Bluez met error when sending Sync Alert
Notification to N900 phone (+1 this week)
7. (4%) [1889] [Netbook User Experience] "Connect" button does not
work for phone bluetooth device (+1 this week)
8. (4%) [1949] [Netbook User Experience] [Evolution] Spell-checking
language list is empty (+1 this week)
9. (4%) [2319] [OS Middleware] N900: keypad is not properly recognized
during the boot (new this week)
10. (4%) [2547] [OS Base] The trackpad of the MSI Wind U100 doesn't
work (new this week)
  Please visit http://bugs.meego.com/ to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten biggest open enhancements by number of votes -
1. (41%) [2682] [OS Base] Add multiuser support
2. (16%) [3692] [Handset User Experience] add 8 items to the quick
launch instead of 4 items
3. (11%) [3693] [Handset User Experience] Horizontal Layout wastes screen height
4. (10%) [2505] [OS Base] huawei e169 not work (new this week)
5. (8%) [3694] [Handset User Experience] Exchange the menu button with
a swipe (-1 this week)
6. (3%) [2482] [Netbook User Experience] Panel does not contain
Identi.ca account status (-1 this week)
7. (3%) [2669] [Netbook User Experience] no UPnP mediaserver (-1 this week)
8. (2%) [546] [Handset User Experience] Filter contact by name doesn't
work in recent panel (-1 this week)
9. (2%) [1892] [OS Base] N900 Audio drivers missing (-1 this week)
10. (2%) [2239] [OS Middleware] Different opengl backends for Qt on
single architecture (-1 this week)
  Please visit http://bugs.meego.com/ to vote. Registration is easy and free.

Ten hottest open bugs -
1. [3431] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]Video playback is not
smooth (new this week)
2. [3819] [Handset User Experience] meego-handset-fixup exits due to
missing firstboot config feature (new this week)
3. [3776] [OS Base] [REG][ivi/embedded] ethernet interface can't be
found (+6 this week)
4. [3683] [OS Base] [AAVA]Unable to boot meego handset image with
kernel 2.6.35 on Aava (+6 this week)
5. [2929] [Handset User Experience] [Video] Video player crash when
reach to video start position in backward playback mode (-3 this week)
6. [226] [User Guide and Help Content] content of "About Meego" need
to be updated to replace "moblin" and its contents (-3 this week)
7. [3417] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]System will crash when
switch between different video categories(Movies/Films/TV Shows) (new
this week)
8. [2373] [Handset User Experience] mdecorator crashes frequently (-7 this week)
9. [966] [OS Base] [Aava][CDK] Wifi network with WEP security setting
doesn't work (new this week)
10. [3929] [Handset User Experience] [Photo viewer]No album showed in
the photo viewer (new this week)

Ten hottest open enhancements -
1. [2576] [Netbook User Experience] brightness should automatically
change on AC/DC event (+2 this week)
2. [198] [Netbook User Experience] There is no UI to receive files
through bluetooth (+2 this week)
3. [1892] [OS Base] N900 Audio drivers missing (-2 this week)
4. [3228] [Handset User Experience] can not receive message in idle or
other application (-2 this week)
5. [2092] [Handset User Experience] Email client needs to have a
remote launch feature to compose a new email (+3 this week)
6. [3693] [Handset User Experience] Horizontal Layout wastes screen height
7. [3346] [OS Middleware] Better to give a ”restart“ notification
after user finish installing updated software
8. [2239] [OS Middleware] Different opengl backends for Qt on single
architecture (new this week)
9. [2779] [Handset User Experience] Provide more touch-friendly UI
controls and layout to bring better touch experience
10. [3906] [OS Middleware] [REG]the notification "All software is up
to update" should show after "refreshing software list" (new this

Ten oldest open bugs -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=2,4,5,8,25,28,29,35,46,48 ):
1. [2] [OS Middleware] DirectFB sample dfbtest_window &df_dok error
2. [4] [OS Middleware] [APPLE_object_purgeable] not works with VBO
3. [5] [OS Middleware] [Qt demos] opengl/Pixel Buffers failed due to
not support pbuffers
4. [8] [OS Middleware] [Qt demos] opengl/Sample Buffers failed due to
not support sample buffer
5. [25] [OS Base] [pinetrail NB] system hang after wake up sometimes
(around 10% possibility)
6. [28] [OS Base] UB6250/6225 not drived ==> SD card not recognized
7. [29] [Netbook User Experience] Played media history will not be
shown in myzone
8. [35] [OS Middleware] “Show debug and development software
sources” has no effect in gpk-repo application
9. [46] [OS Middleware] should show tip "waiting in queue" in gpk-repo
and gpk-application if packagekit is busy on other task, such as
“refresh package lists”
10. [48] [OS Base] [BTRFS]Disk space wastes a lot

Ten oldest open enhancements -
( http://bugs.meego.com/buglist.cgi?bug_id=10,12,15,156,198,308,498,499,511,546
1. [10] [OS Middleware] Package ECB  required
2. [12] [OS Middleware] Package magit required
3. [15] [Netbook User Experience] Try harder to connect to pulse-audio
on startup
4. [156] [Handset User Experience] [Feature-Request] Need a interface
to configure system-wide network proxy settings
5. [198] [Netbook User Experience] There is no UI to receive files
through bluetooth
6. [308] [Netbook User Experience] No passphrase validation in new
connection dialog
7. [498] [Netbook User Experience] Shutdown confirmation screen: 30
sec wait is way too long; allow clicking Enter
8. [499] [Netbook User Experience] Need to maximize usage of
icons/symbols to avoid bugs in most languages
9. [511] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] Strings need to be externalized
10. [546] [Handset User Experience] Filter contact by name doesn't
work in recent panel

==--- NeedInfo Items ---==

17 bugs were needing more information -
* [1384] [OS Middleware] swrast does not support GLX1.3 API of
glXCreateWindow (nc)
* [1608] [OS Base] [TOSHIBA NB300/NB305] Music playback skips after
listening for about 5 mins. and then started weirdly fastforwarding
* [2281] [OS Middleware] user can't konw the size of patch from
software update's patch list
* [3429] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]No keyboard poped when
clicking the search button
* [3451] [Handset User Experience] Unable connect any WLAN or Wi-Fi network
* [3741] [Netbook User Experience] moblin-web-panel crashing since upgrade (nc)
* [3797] [OS Middleware] XKB compiled keyboard description file should
be cached in a proper place (nc)
* [3830] [OS Middleware] Cannot share the Internet connection via Bluetooth.
* [3899] [Netbook User Experience] Unable to open the applications' panel
* [3900] [Netbook User Experience] An internal system error has occurred
* [3921] [Handset User Experience] [REG] Some buttons (App-launcher,
Home, Close) and app icons (Settings/Lock icons) are rendered as red
* [3931] [OS Base] TSNOfficeWLAN wifi connection is not stable on a
Acer AspireOne
* [3944] [OS Base] [Russellville] Integrate Timberdale driver in Kernel-2.6.35
* [3946] [Development Tools] Can't update gcc from 4.4.2-13.11 to 4.5.0-2.7
* [3961] [Development Tools] python segmentation fault on SHCDK (nc)
* [3966] [OS Base] uxlaunch fails to start X server in Virtual Box
* [4004] [Netbook User Experience] Google chrome does not start in
netbook image built from daily repos
  (nc) indicates the bug no longer has listed status.

0 enhancements were needing more information.

==--- Upstream Items ---==

20 bugs were waiting on upstream work -
* [4] [OS Middleware] [APPLE_object_purgeable] not works with VBO
* [756] [Handset User Experience] Video playback is not smooth
* [798] [Handset User Experience] Timestamp indicator bar is rendered
in a wrong position.
* [840] [Handset User Experience] The playback state machine becomes
out of order sometime after performed fast rewind/fast forward several
* [1256] [Translations (I18N & L10N)] [i18N] Printing application only
contains English in different language systems
* [2080] [Handset User Experience] Screen flickering during video
player launching
* [2460] [Handset User Experience] Video snapshots are not been
refreshed automatically for these new copied video files
* [2928] [Handset User Experience] [Video] Screen tearing can be seen
during video playback
* [2930] [Handset User Experience] [Video] Can't popup info dialog
* [3402] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]No A-Z indexing bar in
the video player
* [3408] [Handset User Experience] [MTF video]No close icon in the
video playback view
* [3411] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]No play back control bar
showed when tap the video playback view
* [3412] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]No time instruct bar
showed when tap the video playback view
* [3416] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]No respond when clicking
buttons in the contextual menu
* [3417] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]System will crash when
switch between different video categories(Movies/Films/TV Shows)
* [3428] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]The search edit box is
different from the UX
* [3431] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]Video playback is not smooth
* [3432] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]The application name
instead of icon in the top bar
* [3445] [Handset User Experience] [MTF Video]The forward and the
backward buttons are not active in the video playback view
* [3917] [Handset User Experience] [REG]Unable to launch VKB

0 enhancements were waiting on upstream work.

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