Full logs and minutes at

#meego-meeting: CE Adaptation meeting 8/9/2011

Meeting started by Stskeeps at 08:01:38 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

Status (Stskeeps, 08:02:30)
mostly meta stuff, got xorg-SGX 245 + sgx 268 up and running on N900,
meaning we can sync N900/N950/N9 impls in longer term. will be
released when N9 sales start. (Stskeeps, 08:03:36)
got CE booting single-boot on N950 today, using tools delivered by
release engineering in nokia (Stskeeps, 08:04:21)
ssirkia will test later today on non-RD device (Stskeeps, 08:04:32)
Submitted some patches to MTF to get UX up. Patches need still review
from mirek when he comes back. (Sage, 08:04:42)
Fixed ARM package installation issue in Trunk:Testing and we can now
use zypper again! (Sage, 08:04:45)
Created new image that boots to MTF UX, but has still many problems.
(Sage, 08:04:48)
(Sage, 08:04:52)
Some helpful lines with the the image. (Sage, 08:04:55)
http://pastie.org/2501404 (Sage, 08:04:57)
Submitted image-configuration fixes for ia32 core/netbook images so we
could get some comparison in functionality. (Sage, 08:05:00)
Next 1.3 based image is scheduled next tuesday. (Sage, 08:05:03)
Checked sensor behavior on the 1.3 based image. Everything ok, apart
from accelerometer axis directions (Ronksu, 08:08:47)
Fix prepared to match Harmattan in sensor directions. (Ronksu, 08:09:20)
Packaging locationing stack for n950. I'm not sure if I can finnish
and debug this in time. (keistom, 08:11:07)
Updated n950 packages (keistom, 08:11:10)
dsme integration for systemd is done (kallam, 08:13:29)
some problem still with bme. Exit in statup with errorcode not any
message. (kallam, 08:13:29)
I tried to find out why sshd fails to start in 1.3 images, faint
clues, no progress. (ssirkia, 08:14:30)

Carsten Munk
MeeGo-handset mailing list

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