#meego-meeting: MeeGo Dialer Project Meeting

Meeting started by sabotage at 14:54:56 UTC.

Meeting summary available at:

The full logs are available at:

Meeting summary
* General information/business  (sabotage, 14:55:11)
  * The MTF "gut" work from Steven has been merged  (sabotage, 15:00:50)
  * ACTION: remove libseaside deps from dialer  (sabotage, 15:03:02)
  * ACTION: replace meegobluetooth Qt lib with QtMobility QBluetooth*
    (sabotage, 15:03:32)

* Bug, patch and merge-request status  (sabotage, 15:05:42)

* Any Other Business  (sabotage, 15:11:07)
  * Sabotage out on Vacation last 1/2 of August (8/16 - 8/30), no
    meetings  (sabotage, 15:11:21)
  * Dialer Project Meetings are held every Tuesday (unless otherwise
    noted) on #meego-meeting at 15:00 UTC  (sabotage, 15:14:39)
  * Dialer meeting archives can be found at
    http://wiki.meego.com/Project/Dialer/Meetings#Archive  (sabotage,
  * Dialer online discussion happens in real time on IRC at
    #meego-handset @freenode  (sabotage, 15:14:58)

Meeting ended at 15:15:09 UTC.

Action Items
* remove libseaside deps from dialer
* replace meegobluetooth Qt lib with QtMobility QBluetooth*

Action Items, by person
  * remove libseaside deps from dialer
  * replace meegobluetooth Qt lib with QtMobility QBluetooth*

People Present (lines said)
* sabotage (43)
* Stskeeps (9)
* MeeGoMeetBot` (2)

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