Dear Prof. Johnson and Meep users,

First, thanks for the Meep and MPB authors. Both open source software tools are very important for our research. I have a question about how to use Meep (or MPB) to solve a problem about curved waveguides (ring structures). I have used MPB to obtain the dispersion diagram of a straight waveguide in 3D (thanks to Prof. Johnson 2D waveguide examples). Now, I want to obtain the effective index and mode profile of curved waveguide (ring) in 3D, if possible with those tools. From the holey waveguide tutorial in order to obtain the w(k) relation one should define a cell unit and determine the direction of periodicity for the Bloch wavevector k. I was thinking to apply Meep for a ring structure in 3D but I am not sure on how to define the periodicity of this sort of waveguide. Correct me if I am wrong, but I presume that the wavevector should have two components in the x and y directions following a circular trajectory. I will appreciate any comments or alternative approaches if any. Thanks for your time.

German "Rick" Vargas

Florida International University

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