Hi Geeth,

Attached the code below. I added some random comments on the meep source code 
from meep.scm that probably only I can understand. Hope it helps.

Dear All,

This is implementing Transmission spectrum example in "Meep Tutorial/Band 
diagram, resonant modes, and transmission in a holey waveguide". It might be of 
some use for you guys. I spent quite some time to figure this out.

#include "meep.hpp"

using namespace meep;
const double eps_=13 ; ////dielectric constant of waveguide
const double w =1.2 ; ////width of waveguide
const double r= 0.36 ; //radius of holes
const double d= 1.4 ; //defect spacing (ordinary spacing = 1
const int N= 3 ; //number of holes on either side of defect

 //The cell dimensions
const double sy =6 ; //size of cell in y direction (perpendicular to wvg.
const double pad= 2 ; //padding between last hole and PML edge
const double dpml= 1.0; //PML thickness
const double sx= 2*(pad+dpml+N)+d-1;
const double up_bound=sy/2+w/2,low_bound=sy/2-w/2;//up_bound, low_bound of wvg
double hole_centers[2*N] ;
const double fcen= 0.25; // pulse center frequency
const double df =0.2  ; //pulse width (in frequency)

const double nfreq = 500; // number of frequencies at which to compute flux

double eps(const vec &p){
    const grid_volume vol=vol2d(sx,sy,20);//20 is the resolution per unit 
    vec r_vec;
    if(p.y()<low_bound || p.y()>up_bound) return 1.0;
    for(int i=0;i<2*N;i++){
        r_vec=p-vec(hole_centers[i],sy/2);//compare to one hole center
        //master_printf("x:%g y:%g r:%g",r.x(),r.y(),r.r());
        if (r_vec.x()*r_vec.x()+r_vec.y()*r_vec.y()<r*r) return 1.0;//if the 
length of r < 1, it is within the hole
    return eps_;

complex<double> one(const vec &p) {
    return 1.0;

int main(int argc,char **argv){
    initialize mpi(argc,argv);
    double wg_center=sx/2;
    //define centers of holes
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
    const grid_volume vol=vol2d(sx,sy,20);//20 is the resolution per unit 
    const symmetry S = -mirror(Y, vol);//odd symmetry through/in X axis, Y is 
the normal direction
    structure s(vol,eps,pml(dpml),S);
    fields f(&s);
    gaussian_src_time src(fcen,df);

    // src center: (center (+ dpml (* -0.5 sx)) 0) (size 0 w))))

    //origin (0,0) is at center of waveguide for Scheme
    //now origin is at the left down corner
    //original src is (dpml-0.5sx,-w/2) to (dpml-0.5sx,w/2)
    //now it is (dpml,low_bound) to (dpml, up_bound)
    volume src_plane(vec(dpml,low_bound),vec(dpml,up_bound));

    //(define trans ; transmitted flux
      //  (add-flux fcen df nfreq
        //          (make flux-region
          //          (center (- (* 0.5 sx) dpml 0.5) 0) (size 0 (* w 2)))))
    //flux region in scheme (0.5sx-dpml-0.5,-w) to (0.5sx-dpml-0.5,w)
    //in C++ (sx-dpml-0.5,0) to (sx-dpml-0.5,2w)
    volume flux_plane(vec(sx-dpml-0.5,low_bound),vec(sx-dpml-0.5,up_bound));
    dft_flux ft = f.add_dft_flux_plane(flux_plane,fcen-df,fcen+df,nfreq);

    f.output_hdf5(Dielectric, vol.surroundings());//output waveguide

(run-sources+ (stop-when-fields-decayed
               50 Ey
               (vector3 (- (* 0.5 sx) dpml 0.5) 0)
              (at-beginning output-epsilon)
               (in-volume (volume (center 0 0) (size sx 0))
                (to-appended "hz-slice" (at-every 0.4 output-hfield-z)))))
refer to meep.scm the definition of stop-when-fields-decayed

(define (stop-when-fields-decayed dT c pt decay-by)
  (if (null? fields) (init-fields))
  (let ((T0 (meep-round-time));this assignment is done once, outside any loop, 
later will be modified
        (max-abs (sqr (magnitude (meep-fields-get-field fields c pt))));outside 
any loop
        (cur-max 0));outside any loop
    (lambda ()
      (let ((fabs (sqr (magnitude (meep-fields-get-field fields c 
pt)))));outside any loop, once value is calculated, the syntax sugar/value for 
substitution never changes
        (set! cur-max (max cur-max fabs));in loop 1 "<= old-cur (* max-abs 
decay-by)", cos when the cond is not satisfied, it goes to the beg of the loop 
and executes set!
        (if (<= (meep-round-time) (+ T0 dT))
            false ; don't stop yet, here is loop 2 for "<= (meep-round-time) (+ 
T0 dT)"
            (let ((old-cur cur-max));after loop 2
              (set! cur-max 0);after loop 2
              (set! T0 (meep-round-time));after loop 2
              (set! max-abs (max max-abs old-cur));after loop 2
              (if (not (zero? max-abs))
                  (print "field decay(t = " (meep-time)"): "
                         old-cur " / " max-abs " = " (/ old-cur max-abs) "\n"))
              (<= old-cur (* max-abs decay-by))))))));cond for loop 1
    double T0=f.round_time(),dT=50;//in time steps of 50 units

    double dt=0.4;
    double max_abs=sqrt(norm(f.get_field(Ey,vec(sx-dpml-0.5,sy/2))));
    master_printf("T0:%g  dT:%g max_abs:%g\n",T0,dT,max_abs);
    double cur_max=0,old_cur=0;
    double decay_by=.001;
    double f_abs;
    //slice (volume (center 0 0) (size sx 0)) in scheme for output of flux
    volume check_plane(vec(0,sy/2),vec(sx,sy/2));
    h5file *myfile=f.open_h5file("test4.h5",h5file::WRITE,"test4",true);
    double previous_dT=f.round_time(),previous_dt=previous_dT;
    bool flag=true;

        //master_printf("cur_max:%g  f_abs:%g\n",cur_max,f_abs);

        if (f.round_time()>=previous_dT+dT)

                master_printf("field decay(t = %g): %0.12g / %0.12g = %0.12g 
        //master_printf("time:%g  T0:%g\n",f.round_time(),T0);
        if( flag && f.round_time()>previous_dt+dt)//every 0.4 time units, 
output h5.
    }while(old_cur>=max_abs*decay_by );
    delete myfile;
    //while (f.time() < nfreq / df / 2) f.step();
    double *flux = ft.flux();

    //Shall I normalize???????????
    double dfreq=df/(nfreq-1);
    master_printf("tranmission:, freq, T[i]\n");
    for (int i=0; i<nfreq; ++i)
        master_printf("transmission:, %0.12g, 
    delete [] flux;
    return 0;


Best Regards,
Bin Huang (Bryan)
MIT Graduate Student '10
Computation for Design and Optimization
From: Geethaka Devendra [gcdeven...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 8:55 PM
To: Bin Huang
Subject: Meep c++ code for source

Hi Bryan,

Hope you remember this posting from last year about a source and how to code it 
in c++. I have the same issue and I am totally lost and dont know how to use 
the "fields" class to do this job. I would appreciate some help from you and if 
could show me how you implemented it in your c++ code, that would be great. I 
am new to c++ and find it sometimes confusing how to use all the arguments in 
the functions.


(run-sources+ (stop-when-fields-decayed
               50 Ey
               (vector3 (- (* 0.5 sx) dpml 0.5) 0)
               (in-volume (volume (center 0 0) (size sx 0))

                (to-appended "hz-slice" (at-every 0.4 output-hfield-z)))))

It seems like usually the while loop is as follows:
while ( f.time() < f.last_source_time()+400)

        f.output_hdf5(Ey, vol.surroundings());
How do I increment the time in steps of 50 time units till Ey has decayed to
1/1000 on the plane indicated by  "(vector3 (- (* 0.5 sx) dpml 0.5) 0)"?

How do I output hfield on that slice indicated by "(volume (center 0 0) (size
sx 0))" every 0.4 time unit? It seems like f.output_hdf5() can only output the
field data in the entire waveguide.

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