
Can someone explain why don't I get an uniform structure as I expected from the 
code bellow (epsilon image attached):

(set! default-material ( make dielectric (index ( - LN 0.001))))
(let loop ((n 0))
 (if (<= n 100)
    (set! geometry 
        (append geometry 
              (make block
                 (size 50 0.1 ) 
                   (center -6 (/ n 10) )
                 (material (make dielectric (index (- LN (/ n 100000) ) ) ) ) )
              (make block 
                   (size 50 0.1 )
                 (center -6 (- 0 (/ n 10) ) )
             (material (make dielectric (index (- LN (/ n 100000) ) ) ) ) )
                 ) ) ); end geometry
  (loop (+ n 1) )
  )   ;end begin
 ) ; end if
) ; end let

The strange result is for a resolution of 20. Also increasing the resolution 
doesn't help. However, when I set the resolution to 5 I get a smoothed 
structure as in the second attachment.
Thank you!

<<attachment: wg3-eps-resolution20.png>>

<<attachment: wg3-eps-resolution5.png>>

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