Dear users of MPB and Meep (and our related software such as Harminv),

Funding from DARPA and other government agencies has been essential in supporting development of our MPB and Meep nanophotonics packages. To help them justify this funding, and to encourage them to support future enhancements and related free software, it would be very helpful if we could give concrete examples of how our software has been useful.

In particular, if you have used MPB (or Meep, or harminv) to aid in the development of *commercial devices*, I would greatly appreciate it if you could email me (stevenj AT with a sentence or two explaining what product and company you used MPB/Meep/etc for, and how.

The information will only be used within DARPA and other funding agencies; I will not publicize it.

(I don't need examples of academic research; thanks to your citations, finding papers that employ MPB is not a problem.)

Feel free to forward this email to any MPB/Meep user you know of who might not be on the mailing list.

Thanks for your support!
Steven G. Johnson

meep-discuss mailing list

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