On Thu, 29 Jul 2010, j.s. mammen wrote:

> Folks, lets not get bogged down by REST defined by  Roy Fielding in
> 2000.
> My question was simple.
> Here it is again, rephrased.
> Do we need to implement a memcached layer whereby we can access the
> cached objects by using HTTP protocol. Here is an example of getting a
> cached object from a server
> GET [server]/mc/object/id1
> Hope the question is clearer now?

I'm not sure how this thread has gone on for so long? Adding a new API
won't fix this problem aside from happening to force you to write a new
set of clients that use the same hashing model and don't mess with the
blob on their way back.

We should be better about building a compatibility standard into the
clients so they have the ability to use matching hashing algorithms to
blind fetch binary blobs. Bonus points for standardizing compression.

If you're talking about using a raw REST approach on top of thin air
you'll be missing all of the client features that make memcached what it
is; a distributed cache.

If you take your existing java/C# clients and use a single server instead
of multiple, you should be able to fetch the same XML blobs through each
without having them mangle it?

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