OK Don wrote:
> The constant barrage of "The sky is falling" and "oh, how terrible" is a
> large part of...
Most of the stuff in any media form is all hand wringing no solution.
That is probably the biggest stress creator. Give us a true choice
and then we have another level to create choices. T
Max wrote:
> See the New Testament. All we need is love...
...and here I thought that was The Beatles...
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See the New Testament. All we need is love...
Max Dillon
Charleston SC
'95 E300, '87 300TD, '73 Balboa 20
>Who hopes to live long enough to find a find the repair manual for
For new and used parts go to www.
Agreed on all points.
I'm finding, and apparently the media polls are finding, more people are
finding other, less stressful things to do than watch endless bad news.
The media is so heavily invested in the "If it bleeds, it leads" mentality
they do not know what else to "report". They themselves a
The constant barrage of "The sky is falling" and "oh, how terrible" is a
large part of the reason we don't watch TV news at all anymore. We read
what looks interesting on Internet news sites and occasionally listen to
NPR. Otherwise, we're happily oblivious to the world crashing in around us.
We se
Addendum to previous post:
Valid points Mao. Well said.
Upon further reflection, it* could* be the rampant obesity in USA is a
component of the cumulative reaction to media induced stress Principle
being the individuals have no direct contact with violent acts except
through endless reporting of
Dr.Grant wrote:
> The "Flight" response has no real social equivalent [well, perhaps the
> local bar] so that is simply internalized into the accumulated culture of
> stress which we pass on to our young.
Nice - thanks.
Besides the local bar you might add the large screen sports addiction
along wi
For the sake of clarity. My "culture of fear" observation was only to
include the wide area of our culture today, both in USA and Europe, where I
have lived and observed, not anyone's personal parenting style.
It is my observation that we have embraced as a strong component of present
> > > Randy Bennell wrote:
> > >
> > > My wife was talking with a young woman [whose son] is 5
> > > or 6 (I cannot recall which) [and] is having nightmares
> > > because, every day at school, they are having drills on
> > > what to do if someone comes to the school with a gun.
> > G Mann wrote: