None of them.
Interior color code can be extracted from the VIN, and the “real” EPC can give
you possibilities based on the exterior color code.
For example, the 1994 S420 with a Black Metallic exterior has three different
possible trim colors and three possible interior colors.
> On Oct
What parts does he need?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 21, 2015, at 4:09 PM, Bob via Mercedes wrote:
> Which number is the seat color code on the plate under the hood ? My buddy
> has a 1982 240D which is not Palomino but lighter. It's either Creme or
> Parchment- anybody have these code n
Which number is the seat color code on the plate under the hood ? My buddy
has a 1982 240D which is not Palomino but lighter. It's either Creme or
Parchment- anybody have these code numbers? I don't even know what my
Palomino number is..