On Saturday 05 April 2003 20:33, Alexander Kruppa wrote:
> Bjoern Hoffmann wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I wondered if someone already have checked if the last mersenne
> > numbers +2 are double primes?
> >
> > like 3+5, 5+7, 9+11, 11+13 or
> >
> > 824 633 702 441
> > and
> > 824 633 702 443
> >
> > regards
> > Bjoern
> Mp + 2 is divisible by 3 for odd p and thus cannot be prime.
> Mp - 2 however can, in theory, be prime and form a twin prime with a
> Mersenne prime. A list of the status of Mp - 2 for known Mersenne primes
> can be found on Will Edgington's page,
> http://www.garlic.com/~wedgingt/mersenne.html
> Try the M3status.txt link right at the top.
> As you see most Mp - 2 have known factors, some others have failed
> probable primality tests.
> However you will notice that for the present record prime, M13466917, no
> status is listed for M13466917 - 2. This is because no factors are
> known, nor has a primality test been done yet. I have searched for
> factors in vain up to almost 10^13 and am planning to do a primality
> test, but I'm still not determined which program to use for optimal speed.

I would think that running Miller's Test (for strong pseudoprimes) would be 
worthwhile... this _should_ take about the same time as a Lucas-Lehmer test 
on the associated Mersenne number, but there may be a problem with fast 
calculation modulo (2^p-3).

It might be possible to modify PRP (Woltman) and/or Proth (Gallot) to perform 
this test without an enormous amount of effort. Even without a shortcut for 
modulo (2^p-3) working, the run time should be "reasonable" on a fast PC 
system. Proth may also give some clues about constructing a Lucas sequence to 
perform a proper primality test, though the run time is likely to be a lot 
longer than a Fermat/Miller pseudoprime test & isn't worth the effort of 
starting unless the number is found to be a probable prime.

Brian Beesley

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