> I don`t know what is going on, but LLL as about 6000 exponnent reserved and
> it`is still asking for more! If this continue for the night there should not
> be any exponnent available this morning.

I'am so sorry for this situation.
I couldn't log in to our main server for some days because my
account was locked through misunderstanding.
My disk quota on the server was overfulled in that time
and mprime running on several machines which connected
to main server via NFS zeroed out some setting files
such as local.ini and worktodo.ini.
So, every time when every machine runs mprime,
it asked primenet server for new exponent because it couldn't
find anything in worktodo.ini :-(
I returned everything to the normal state except redundantly
reserved exponents.
Please, PrimeNet supervisor, take all exponents from me which
reserved for me after May 11 (if that is not too hard for you).
It is better to change primenet software in order to avoid
incidents like this.

Sorry for inconvenience,
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