After overclocking my poor 400 MHz PII to 496 MHz (and upping
the voltage from 2.00V to 2.30V), I figured out I should perhaps
do a torture test for a few days, before throwing it at my real
exponents :-) After 10 seconds, I got:

Test 1 of 15, 400 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M19922945 using 1024K FFT length.
ERROR: ROUND OFF (5.283699122e+13) > 0.40
Possible hardware failure, consult the readme file.

Has anybody experienced any _bigger_ roundoff errors than this?
(The same machine is rock stable at 448 MHz, BTW. The multiplier
is locked at 4x, though, so I can't overclock it any other way.)

/* Steinar */ 
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