We'll be using this wrapper class to workaround some upstream
bugs in Mail::IMAPClient.  There may also be experiments with
new APIs for more performance.
 MANIFEST                      |   1 +
 lib/PublicInbox/IMAPClient.pm | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/imapd-tls.t                 |  37 +++++------
 t/imapd.t                     |  35 +++++-----
 4 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/PublicInbox/IMAPClient.pm

diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index f74852b6e90..6744a519efc 100644
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ lib/PublicInbox/HTTPD/Async.pm
diff --git a/lib/PublicInbox/IMAPClient.pm b/lib/PublicInbox/IMAPClient.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33deee9eb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/PublicInbox/IMAPClient.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.0 or, at
+# your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
+# The license for this file differs from the rest of public-inbox.
+# Workaround some bugs in upstream Mail::IMAPClient when
+# compression is enabled:
+# - reference cycle: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132654
+# - read starvation: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132720
+package PublicInbox::IMAPClient;
+use strict;
+use parent 'Mail::IMAPClient';
+use Errno qw(EAGAIN);
+sub compress {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    # BUG? strict check on capability commented out for now...
+    #my $can = $self->has_capability("COMPRESS")
+    #return undef unless $can and $can eq "DEFLATE";
+    $self->_imap_command("COMPRESS DEFLATE") or return undef;
+    my $zcl = $self->_load_module("Compress-Zlib") or return undef;
+    # give caller control of args if desired
+    $self->Compress(
+        [
+            -WindowBits => -$zcl->MAX_WBITS(),
+            -Level      => $zcl->Z_BEST_SPEED()
+        ]
+    ) unless ( $self->Compress and ref( $self->Compress ) eq "ARRAY" );
+    my ( $rc, $do, $io );
+    ( $do, $rc ) = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit( @{ $self->Compress } );
+    unless ( $rc == $zcl->Z_OK ) {
+        $self->LastError("deflateInit failed (rc=$rc)");
+        return undef;
+    }
+    ( $io, $rc ) =
+      Compress::Zlib::inflateInit( -WindowBits => -$zcl->MAX_WBITS() );
+    unless ( $rc == $zcl->Z_OK ) {
+        $self->LastError("inflateInit failed (rc=$rc)");
+        return undef;
+    }
+    $self->{Prewritemethod} = sub {
+        my ( $self, $string ) = @_;
+        my ( $rc, $out1, $out2 );
+        ( $out1, $rc ) = $do->deflate($string);
+        ( $out2, $rc ) = $do->flush( $zcl->Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH() )
+          unless ( $rc != $zcl->Z_OK );
+        unless ( $rc == $zcl->Z_OK ) {
+            $self->LastError("deflate/flush failed (rc=$rc)");
+            return undef;
+        }
+        return $out1 . $out2;
+    };
+    # need to retain some state for Readmoremethod/Readmethod calls
+    my ( $Zbuf, $Ibuf ) = ( "", "" );
+    $self->{Readmoremethod} = sub {
+        my $self = shift;
+        return 1 if ( length($Zbuf) || length($Ibuf) );
+        $self->__read_more(@_);
+    };
+    $self->{Readmethod} = sub {
+        my ( $self, $fh, $buf, $len, $off ) = @_;
+        # get more data, but empty $Ibuf first if any data is left
+        my ( $lz, $li ) = ( length $Zbuf, length $Ibuf );
+        if ( $lz || !$li ) {
+            my $readlen = $self->Buffer || 4096;
+            my $ret = sysread( $fh, $Zbuf, $readlen, length $Zbuf );
+            $lz = length $Zbuf;
+            return $ret if ( !$ret && !$lz );    # $ret is undef or 0
+        }
+        # accumulate inflated data in $Ibuf
+        if ($lz) {
+            my ( $tbuf, $rc ) = $io->inflate( \$Zbuf );
+            unless ( $rc == $zcl->Z_OK ) {
+                $self->LastError("inflate failed (rc=$rc)");
+                return undef;
+            }
+            $Ibuf .= $tbuf;
+            $li = length $Ibuf;
+        }
+        if ( !$li ) {
+            # note: faking EAGAIN here is only safe with level-triggered
+            # I/O readiness notifications (select, poll).  Refactoring
+            # callers will be needed in the unlikely case somebody wants
+            # to use edge-triggered notifications (EV_CLEAR, EPOLLET).
+            $! = EAGAIN;
+            return undef;
+        }
+        # pull desired length of data from $Ibuf
+        my $tbuf = substr( $Ibuf, 0, $len );
+        substr( $Ibuf, 0, $len ) = "";
+        substr( $$buf, $off ) = $tbuf;
+        return length $tbuf;
+    };
+    return $self;
diff --git a/t/imapd-tls.t b/t/imapd-tls.t
index 9f5abfe048e..5352d100e4b 100644
--- a/t/imapd-tls.t
+++ b/t/imapd-tls.t
@@ -7,8 +7,15 @@ use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP SOL_SOCKET);
 use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 # IO::Poll is part of the standard library, but distros may split it off...
 require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite IO::Socket::SSL Mail::IMAPClient IO::Poll));
-Mail::IMAPClient->can('starttls') or
+my $imap_client = 'Mail::IMAPClient';
+$imap_client->can('starttls') or
        plan skip_all => 'Mail::IMAPClient does not support TLS';
+my $can_compress = $imap_client->can('compress');
+if ($can_compress) { # hope this gets fixed upstream, soon
+       require PublicInbox::IMAPClient;
+       $imap_client = 'PublicInbox::IMAPClient';
 my $cert = 'certs/server-cert.pem';
 my $key = 'certs/server-key.pem';
 unless (-r $key && -r $cert) {
@@ -67,18 +74,6 @@ my $starttls_addr = $starttls->sockhost . ':' . 
 my $env = { PI_CONFIG => $pi_config };
 my $td;
-# Mail::IMAPClient ->compress creates cyclic reference:
-# https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132654
-my $compress_logout = sub {
-       my ($c) = @_;
-       ok($c->logout, 'logout ok after ->compress');
-       # all documented in Mail::IMAPClient manpage:
-       for (qw(Readmoremethod Readmethod Prewritemethod)) {
-               $c->$_(undef);
-       }
 for my $args (
        [ "--cert=$cert", "--key=$key",
@@ -112,7 +107,7 @@ for my $args (
                        Server => $imaps->sockhost,
                        Port => $imaps->sockport);
        # IMAPS
-       my $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%imaps_opt, Ssl => [ %o ]);
+       my $c = $imap_client->new(%imaps_opt, Ssl => [ %o ]);
        ok($c && $c->IsAuthenticated, 'authenticated');
        ok($c->select($group), 'SELECT works');
        ok(!(scalar $c->has_capability('STARTTLS')),
@@ -122,12 +117,12 @@ for my $args (
        ok($c->compress, 'compression enabled with IMAPS');
        ok(!$c->starttls, 'starttls still fails');
        ok($c->noop, 'noop succeeds');
-       $compress_logout->($c);
+       ok($c->logout, 'logout succeeds');
        # STARTTLS
        my %imap_opt = (Server => $starttls->sockhost,
                        Port => $starttls->sockport);
-       $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%imap_opt);
+       $c = $imap_client->new(%imap_opt);
        ok(scalar $c->has_capability('STARTTLS'),
                'starttls advertised');
        ok($c->Starttls([ %o ]), 'set starttls options');
@@ -141,25 +136,25 @@ for my $args (
        ok($c->noop, 'NOOP works');
        ok($c->compress, 'compression enabled with IMAPS');
        ok($c->noop, 'NOOP works after compress');
-       $compress_logout->($c);
+       ok($c->logout, 'logout succeeds after compress');
        # STARTTLS with bad hostname
        $o{SSL_hostname} = $o{SSL_verifycn_name} = 'server.invalid';
-       $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%imap_opt);
+       $c = $imap_client->new(%imap_opt);
        ok(scalar $c->has_capability('STARTTLS'), 'starttls advertised');
        ok($c->Starttls([ %o ]), 'set starttls options');
        ok(!$c->starttls, '->starttls fails with bad hostname');
-       $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%imap_opt);
+       $c = $imap_client->new(%imap_opt);
        ok($c->noop, 'NOOP still works from plain IMAP');
        # IMAPS with bad hostname
-       $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%imaps_opt, Ssl => [ %o ]);
+       $c = $imap_client->new(%imaps_opt, Ssl => [ %o ]);
        is($c, undef, 'IMAPS fails with bad hostname');
        # make hostname valid
        $o{SSL_hostname} = $o{SSL_verifycn_name} = 'server.local';
-       $c = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%imaps_opt, Ssl => [ %o ]);
+       $c = $imap_client->new(%imaps_opt, Ssl => [ %o ]);
        ok($c, 'IMAPS succeeds again with valid hostname');
        # slow TLS connection did not block the other fast clients while
diff --git a/t/imapd.t b/t/imapd.t
index 7af14f1b150..3d0be340846 100644
--- a/t/imapd.t
+++ b/t/imapd.t
@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ use PublicInbox::TestCommon;
 use PublicInbox::Config;
 use PublicInbox::Spawn qw(which);
 require_mods(qw(DBD::SQLite Mail::IMAPClient Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure));
+my $imap_client = 'Mail::IMAPClient';
+my $can_compress = $imap_client->can('compress');
+if ($can_compress) { # hope this gets fixed upstream, soon
+       require PublicInbox::IMAPClient;
+       $imap_client = 'PublicInbox::IMAPClient';
 my $level = '-Lbasic';
 SKIP: {
@@ -57,7 +63,7 @@ my %mic_opt = (
        Port => $sock->sockport,
        Uid => 1,
-my $mic = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%mic_opt);
+my $mic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
 my $pre_login_capa = $mic->capability;
 is(grep(/\AAUTH=ANONYMOUS\z/, @$pre_login_capa), 1,
        'AUTH=ANONYMOUS advertised pre-login');
@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@ ok(join("\n", @$pre_login_capa) ne join("\n", 
 $mic_opt{Authmechanism} = 'ANONYMOUS';
 $mic_opt{Authcallback} = sub { '' };
-$mic = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%mic_opt);
+$mic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
 ok($mic && $mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, 'AUTHENTICATE ANONYMOUS');
 my $post_auth_anon_capa = $mic->capability;
 is_deeply($post_auth_anon_capa, $post_login_capa,
@@ -175,20 +181,17 @@ for my $r ('1:*', '1') {
        is(lc($bs->bodyenc), '8bit', '->bodyenc');
-# Mail::IMAPClient ->compress creates cyclic reference:
-# https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132654
-my $compress_logout = sub {
-       my ($c) = @_;
-       ok($c->logout, 'logout ok after ->compress');
-       # all documented in Mail::IMAPClient manpage:
-       for (qw(Readmoremethod Readmethod Prewritemethod)) {
-               $c->$_(undef);
-       }
 is_deeply([$mic->has_capability('COMPRESS')], ['DEFLATE'], 'deflate cap');
-ok($mic->compress, 'compress enabled');
+SKIP: {
+       skip 'Mail::IMAPClient too old for ->compress', 2 if !$can_compress;
+       my $c = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
+       ok($c && $c->compress, 'compress enabled');
+       ok($c->examine('inbox.i1'), 'EXAMINE succeeds after COMPRESS');
+       $ret = $c->search('uid 1:*') or BAIL_OUT "SEARCH FAIL $@";
+       is_deeply($ret, [ 1 ], 'search UID 1:* works after compression');
+ok($mic->logout, 'logout works');
 my $have_inotify = eval { require Linux::Inotify2; 1 };
@@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ $pi_config->each_inbox(sub {
        my $env = { ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT => $ibx->{-primary_address} };
        my $name = $ibx->{name};
        my $ng = $ibx->{newsgroup};
-       my $mic = Mail::IMAPClient->new(%mic_opt);
+       my $mic = $imap_client->new(%mic_opt);
        ok($mic && $mic->login && $mic->IsAuthenticated, "authed $name");
        my $uidnext = $mic->uidnext($ng); # we'll fetch BODYSTRUCTURE on this
        ok($uidnext, 'got uidnext for later fetch');
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