On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 3:27 AM, Otavio Salvador
<ota...@ossystems.com.br> wrote:
> Hello,
> I know this holidays time is supposed to us to rest and relax but as a
> true hacking addicted I was suffering of hacking abstinence (no
> hacking since before Christimas) so I ended looking at the port of
> iMX5's Xorg driver to the newer Xorg's video API.
> I didn't bring the boards with me to the beach (or my family would
> kill me) so I cannot test the patch myself and I'd like to know if
> anyone is suffering of same abstinence effect as me and could give it
> a try? :-)
> The patch is attached to this e-mail if anyone wish to give it a try :-)
I'm going to test

> Happy New Year :-)
Happy New Year =P

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