> On 10 Mar 2016, at 17:48, Saul Wold <s...@linux.intel.com> wrote: > > > Folks, > > Currently the meta-intel repo contains a sub-layer called meta-isg > which holds a small number of older BSP and a set of Intel specific > software. > > The BSPs, haswell, valleyisland, crystalforest and mohonpeak, are all > using the intel-core* BSPs as appropriate with kernel versions varying > from 3.14 -> 4.1. Any new BSPs should continue to use intel-core* BSPs > with the slight chance that additional kernel cmdline options might be > required. > > The additional Intel specific software is DPDK, QAT, Zlib-QAT and > OpenSSL-QAT, these are specific to certain Intel hardware and not > general. > > The ISG (IoTG) team maintaining the meta-isg layer would like to add > more current graphics than allowed by the Yocto Project's stable rules, > which states no updates in stable, unless needed for urgent CVE issues. > > I would like to hear from the various users of meta-intel and meta- > intel/meta-isg about moving meta-isg into it's own repo that would be > named meta-intel-isg and meta-intel-isg-bsp to distinguish between the > sofware and the BSPs. The hope is that most of the BSP configuration > will come from the meta-intel BSPs to reduce fragmentation. Only > special cases will land in the isg-bsp layer. Most changes should come > in via linux-yocto kernel repo and via intel-core* BSPS. > > Thoughts?
This sounds sensible. What are the implications to users? For example, I currently build for a valleyisland platform - will I need to do anything moving forward other that switch to a new layer (ignoring the normal consequential changes due to kernel updates, etc.)? -- Chris Tapp opensou...@keylevel.com www.keylevel.com ---- You can tell you're getting older when your car insurance gets real cheap! -- _______________________________________________ meta-intel mailing list meta-intel@yoctoproject.org https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/meta-intel