
I realize that the Galileo board has been completely abandoned; I'm not
looking for "official" information, but I'm hoping someone would be willing
to provide some anecdotal information... perhaps offline?

I thought it would be a fun exercise to investigate updating the Linux
image and arduino-IDE-toolchain for my Galileo Gen2 board. Unfortunately
I've hit some walls and was looking for some ideas.

With its LOCKing problem[*1], projects like Yocto and Buildroot are natural
homes for Galileo support. It looks as though Galileo support was added to
The Yocto Project somewhere around Dylan [1.4] with
https://github.com/intel/Galileo-Runtime.git. Using the sub-repositories
found there and a virtual machine I'm able to build a working toolchain
which I can install in my Arduino 1.8.5 IDE to build, upload, and run
Blink. I can also build a rootfs image, but there isn't much in the way of
guidance on how to get the resulting artifacts cobbled together onto an
SDcard. But if I leave the SDcard slot empty, I can boot the default flash
image that was shipped with the board (which is based on Dylan), and the
IDE and sketches all work[*2].

After Dylan, Galileo-Runtime.git appears to have been abandoned (it's still
stuck at Dylan) and meta-intel-quark and meta-intel-galileo appear... for
Daisy [1.6]. Building with these layers (with everything setup for Daisy)
doesn't work out-of-the-box due to some complaining about circular
dependencies of initscripts on initscripts. I've tried several different
things and combinations, but I can't successfully build an image or
toolchain using these layers. These layers also have Dizzy [1.7] branches,
so I gave those a whirl too without any success either.

After Dizzy, meta-intel-quark and meta-intel-galileo appear to have been
abandoned and Quark/Galileo support migrated to meta-intel (and was
subsequently removed after Rocko [2.4]). Along that path, the bootloader
moved from grub0 to gummiboot to systemd-boot. The out-of-tree binutils
-mquark-strip-lock patch was upstreamed as the -momit-lock-prefix option.
The meta-intel layer included wic support making it dead-simple to create
an SDcard from the build artifacts (yay!). Uclibc support died with Krogoth
[2.1] (boo). And the suggested kernel for Quark moved from upstream
linux-3.8 with about two dozen patches, to linux-intel-4.9 (as-is)... and
this is where I'm stuck.

In the early days it doesn't seem like there was much distinction between
Quark and Galileo, they were mostly synonymous. But by the time we get to
Rocko, we find that the linux-intel kernel has support for Quark, but
nothing for Galileo. When I boot the factory-installed Dylan image, I find
loads of stuff under /sys/class/gpio, /sys/class/pwm, and
/sys/class/platform which are what the Arduino code uses for identification
and interaction with the Arduino headers. When I run linux-intel[*3] I have
a /sys/class/gpio that only claims 8 gpios are available for use, none of
which appear to relate to the Arduino headers. Was the Galileo support
never "upstreamed"? Not even in Intel's own kernel fork?

With Rocko I can build a bootable image (yay!!) but without proper kernel
support for Galileo the Arduino code stops quite abruptly when it finds it
can't find /sys/class/platform/GalileoGen2. At this point I started looking
at mraa/upm as a replacement for the Arduino libraries, but they have a
similar problem. When trying to run the "blink_onboard.c" example program
(the mraa equivalent to Arduino's Blink program) it fails because it wants
to use GPIO13 and 31, but the kernel says there are only 8 GPIOs available.

In summary:
- I can build a toolchain using Galileo-Runtime.git and Poky Dylan in a VM
that I can install in place of the Arduino toolchain, but this doesn't gain
me much since the default Arduino toolchain is based on these same
- I can build, but can't assemble a working rootfs for my Galileo from Dylan
- I can't build a toolchain nor assemble a working rootfs from anything
until I get to Rocko
- with Rocko I can build a bootable rootfs for my Galileo and a working
toolchain for Arduino and/or I can use mraa/upm; however none of these
programs work because although Rocko supports Quark (to some extent)
support for Galileo seems to have stopped back in Dylan

Thank you for reading to the end. I'm curious to know if anyone would like
to comment on my findings and perhaps correct any historical inaccuracies
or confirm what I've found. I'm also hoping someone might know of a
repository somewhere out there with a more recent linux kernel with
Quark+Galileo support that will work with Rocko.

It's too bad there isn't a meta-intel-community layer out there where
support for non-supported things could live on.

Best regards,

[*1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Quark#Segfault_bug
[*2] the galileo arduino libraries are found at
[*3] which, by the way, is not even setup for Quark; i had to search for
and enable a couple more Quark-specific kernel configuration options in
order to get "full" Quark support from linux-intel!
[*4] although on my openSUSE system, the default toolchain that is
installed by the Arduino IDE is broken, so i do gain is the ability to
properly compile and upload sketches
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