Dear Sandeep and Mike,

Thank you very much for your replies.

I am not using video nor dual-parallel QSPI flash memory. But I need the Xilinx 
DMA driver.
Is that a consistent part of the mainline Linux? Sorry, but I simply don't know 
where to look.

And apart from the drivers, there a no patches of Xilinx to other parts of the 

Provocatively I might ask, why does Xilinx have a dedicated repository for the 
kernel in
that case. Is it just for convenience?

I am also wondering, why the meta-xilinx recipe for the kernel build is based 
on kernel 4.9
while the "regular" build in the same Yocto version is 4.12, or did I get 
something wrong.

Sorry for asking so many questions, I am trying to make a point within my 
organisation that
it is worth using Yocto. But they are holding against me that the Xilinx kernel 
would contain
patches which are not accepted yet in the upstream kernel, and which would 
present risks in
using a Xilinx kernel with AARCH64 RPMs from another disctribution (in our case 
CentOS) -
which is actually what I am really after: I would like to have my Zynqs running 
with other
software already developed in my organisation.

Thanks for any help with mu issue.


PS: I signed up with the meta-xilinx mailing list many times, but never got a 
    message. Is this normal?

On 12/13/2017 07:29 AM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
On 12-12-17 16:20, Ralf Spiwoks wrote:

I am using Yocto and meta-xilinx to build the Linux kernel 4.9 for
a Zynq XC7Z030. Now, in my organization some people said that:

"Xilinx currently runs a custom Linux distribution which ... has patches
to the kernel by Xilink which are not accepted yet in the upstream Linux

So, my question is:
What are the differences of the Xilinx Linux kernel w.r.t. to the Linux kernel

The main difference is the support for dual-parallel QSPI flash memory. The driver for that is in a state (and has been for years) that apparently cannot be upstreamed.

So if your board doesn't have dual flash, I'd recommend using mainline Linux 

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

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