[sorry to repost: wrong subject line]
Whenever my mc stacks (win) play .au sound files there's a soft
background-hiss audible; however, the same files play noise-free on
either Media Player or my own recording-ware (GoldWave).
.wav files do play well on mc but, to follow the advice from
Whenever my mc stacks (win) play .au sound files there's a soft
background-hiss audible; however, the same files play noise-free on
either Media Player or my own recording-ware (GoldWave).
.wav files do play well on mc but, to follow the advice from the list
and the mc reference, I'd rat
Is MC 2.3 compatible with Mac OS 9? I haven't tried it yet.
Jacqueline Landman Gay| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Custom hypermedia solutions | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
612.724.1596 |
Norval Bard wrote:
> A while back I asked this question, and when I recently encountered the
> problem again, I returned to the archives to see what answers were
> provided, but I couldn't locate the query, so here goes (again)...
> Using a find command to locate the clickText in a given fi
A while back I asked this question, and when I recently encountered the
problem again, I returned to the archives to see what answers were
provided, but I couldn't locate the query, so here goes (again)...
Using a find command to locate the clickText in a given field returns
the string with
andu wrote:
> The MC ftp client aka FTP-Q has been upgraded to support transfers through
> proxy servers. It is available at ftp://ftp.metacard.com. Please report
> bugs.
> Regards, Andu
Thank's a lot, Andu, for this very usefull exemple of using sockets in
MC :)
Pierre Sahores
This is t
To continue an earlier thread...
I finally installed Mac-on-Linux on YellowdogLinux I use and I must say, with
the proper configuration this [free] product is superb. Since the processor is
not emulated mol runs MacOS at about 90+% speed of normal operation.
Those interested in dual platform de
On 18/2/00 11:07 pm, Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just so I have it straight, what is the best way to affect a stack before it
> is displayed?
> For example, if I want to set the decorations of a stack before it is
> opened, do I simply write
> set the decorations of stack xxx t