Have you looked at Pseudotable Plus, available at the CrossWorlds site? It
has a script for converting data into the spreadsheet table, and others for
adding and deleting columns from the table; some combination of these might
give you what you need.
On Thu, 08 Jun 2000 20:29:5
andu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said, on 6/8/00 7:21 PM:
>What I don't figure out (and this has nothing to do with the original
>post) is the number of companies advertising software for a version of the
>OS which officially, as far as the consumers are concerned, doesn't exist
Many of them ar
Richard MacLemale wrote:
> Gotta jump in on this one.
> I also noticed that RealBasic for the Mac is marketing that they'll be OS X
> ready. RealBasic is the company that I wrote about a while ago, saying that
> they had a great pricing scheme that I'd love to see MetaCard copy. And now
Gotta jump in on this one.
I also noticed that RealBasic for the Mac is marketing that they'll be OS X
ready. RealBasic is the company that I wrote about a while ago, saying that
they had a great pricing scheme that I'd love to see MetaCard copy. And now
with the OS X thing... and they claim cr
At 8:44 PM -0700 6/8/00, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> repeat for each line tLine in tData
>add 1 to tCnt
>repeat with i = 2 to the number of flds of grp "ssFields"
> put item i of tLine into line tCnt of tMyArray[i]
>end repeat
> end repeat
Hi Richard,
Instead of "put item i of t