Playing sound resources - SOLVED!

2000-04-27 Thread Dennie Hoopingarner
sound resources? Using the Rinaldi "PlayIt" XCMD (originally made for Hypercard) in my MetaCard stack, I can now play system sound resources. If anyone would like the gory details of how I got it to work, let me know. Dennie Dennie Hoopingarner Assistant Director for Technology Implement

Playing sound resources

2000-04-25 Thread Dennie Hoopingarner
:I have a Hypercard stack with sounds in the resource fork. I can import :the file into MetaCard, and the sounds are still there (I can see them from :ResEdit), but I can't play them using the "play" metatalk command. Anyone :know how I can play sound resources? : :Thanks! Denn

Sorting cards?

2000-01-06 Thread Dennie Hoopingarner
. It seems that Metacard does not have feature, so can anyone help me out with a relatively easy way to sort cards? Thanks! Dennie Dennie Hoopingarner Assistant Director for Technology Implementation Center for Language Education And Research Michigan State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] http