Large amount of data

2000-08-22 Thread MacConsult
I have a project involving large amount of data, aproximately 130 000 records of information arranged in three alphanumeic fields each. I have a couple of questions: - Metacard can handle that amount of data? - It's better to have 130 000 cards or - group the data and make only 27 cards. To clari

Standalone to Stack

2000-08-11 Thread MacConsult
Is there any posibility to go back to a stack from a standalone? I have lost the original stack due, I believe, a system error and I only have the standalone. Any help? Saludos, Javier Miranda V. MC Multimedia Archives: Info: http://www.xw

Query SQL database

2000-08-09 Thread MacConsult
Is there any way to get data from a remote server running a SQL Database? I understand that programs such as FileMaker use ODBC to send SQL commands to the server. Any suggestions? Saludos, Javier Miranda V. MC Multimedia Archives: Info: ht

QTVR Object Hot Spot

2000-07-03 Thread MacConsult
How can I get the id or any other identifier of a hot spot in a QTVR Objector Panorama in order to redirect the program flow Saludos, Javier Miranda V. MC Multimedia Archives: Info: Please send

MetaCard 2.3.1 impressions

2000-05-20 Thread MacConsult
I have noticed improvements in the way MC 2.3.1 handles the QT Panoramas They run OK without the controller. Archives: Info: Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: PR for MetaCard

2000-05-16 Thread MacConsult
Dear folks: Don't worry about the bad comments about MC. Think in the Quijote de la Mancha, when he said "Ladran Sancho, seƱal de que avanzamos" Saludos, Javier Miranda V. MC multimedia Archives: Info:

QT Object is QTVR Object

2000-03-08 Thread MacConsult
In my last massage (QT Objects problem), I wrote about a problem with QuickTime Objects, what I'm refering to are QTVR Objects, the kind of files that can be rotated and xzoomed by the user. This is to avoid confussion with the other kind of files produced by QT. Best regards, Javier Miranda V.

QT Objectsproblem

2000-03-08 Thread MacConsult
We have found a problem in the last two revisions of MC 2.3 posted in your site. The problomen is that the QuickTime Objects doesn't rotate. We have placed a Player in a card and then selected a QT Object (not a QT movie), the object shows OK and you can zoom in and out but not rotate it. This er

MC and Flash

2000-01-31 Thread MacConsult
We have been able to use Flash movies within players in both Mac and Win computers, provided that Quicktime 4 is installed. saludos, Javier Miranda V. MC multimedia This is the MetaCard mailing list. Archives: Info:

MetaCard and Flash

2000-01-22 Thread MacConsult
Hi List! I have been able to use flash movies in a metacard stack in the Mac why I couldn't use it in the PC? Is there any special intallation I have to make (maybe this is a Question for the guys at Macromedia). Saludos, Javier Miranda V. MC Multimedia This is the MetaCard mailing list. Archiv

Errors with QT Objects

2000-01-04 Thread MacConsult
I'm having a problem when using QT Objects with MetaCard 2.3. The problem occurs only when run in windows computers. The situation is the following: When arriving to a card containing a QT Object the player works fine but if i go to the next card and came back to the card I get an error forcing

Jump to a screen on movie end

1999-12-21 Thread MacConsult
Ok amigos, the situation is this, I come from screen1 with an audioclip playing, in this second screen, on Open Card, a movie begins to play. How can I go to a third screen only when the movie in screen 2 ends?, I can't use On Idle in the Card Script since the audioclip is still playing. I put a