Recently there's been discussion on the MetaCard list about getting 
some sort of program out there that could run MetaCard stacks, while 
still doing a mainstream computing task.  One suggestion has been a 
web browser.

I started up, prior to this discussion, on a word processor in 
MetaCard that I wanted to allow plug-ins to be written for.  The word 
processor is called "New Tricks," I'll be pushing it as a 
"Cross-platform word-processor with add-on capability." (so there 
will probably be on available for every platform MetaCard is 
available for) , and the "plug-ins" (which I call add-ons in New 
Tricks) for it are MetaCard stacks.

I'd like to invite anyone to stop by the New Tricks web site (the url 
is not open to the general public yet) at:
and download the developer SDK for whichever platform (hopefully the 
Windows and UNIX sdks work... I've only tried the Mac version, but I 
think the Windows and UNIX one should work, too) .

This SDK includes just small things, including the basic handler you 
have to have in your stack to make it work in New Tricks - 
"startupAddon".  Other than that, the stack is just like any other 
(except that it doesn't show the window unless you specify in the 
stack's script to show it) .  Any metacard stack could be run in New 
Tricks with just that tiny addition.

If anyone's interested in developing the following add-ons that I'd 
really like to have for the launch, e-mail me directly: a 
spell-checker (it would be the "Czech Mai Spelling" that I mention on 
the web site) , a quicktime media viewer (I'd really like to have 
something like a playlist for quicktime media in it - and this would 
be the "FastPlay" I mention on the site) , a tool to insert pictures 
in files (I save files as HTML, so some kind of <img src=> inserter 
of some sort...) .  And I really want to hear new ideas for add-ons!

I'll be releasing New Tricks the program relatively soon - in the 
next couple of weeks, as soon as beta testing is all done (it may 
even be sooner) .  The Mac versions (separate 68K and PPC) will be 
released first, followed by Windows, and then the rest of the 
platforms (Linux and Solaris being towards the top) .  (if anyone 
would like to beta test the Windows, Unix, and other platform 
versions, drop me a note)

I'm planning to really push the program as soon as there is a good 
number (say, 10 - 15) of add-ons.  I'm working on a couple, and I'd 
appreciate anyone else who would create some!

I'd love to hear everyone's ideas on this!  This may be the way to 
get MetaCard stacks out there in a big way!  (Instead of making 
someone download the MC player, just have them say "run this as an 
add-on inside of New Tricks".)  Let some sort of discussion (and 
action!) begin!  :-)
Karl Becker, KB Productions   |   Featuring Tiger's Eye Casino,     |   The Fishin' Hole, and New Tricks
                               |   Also featuring un-cut writings of Karl!

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