Hello all,
I'm experiencing some behavior which I'm not sure what to make of. 
Occasionally when my Metacard server stack encounters a scripting error while 
fulfilling a request, it seems to get permanently "stuck" with open sockets. 
When I check the opensockets(), I will get something like:|45376893|45376893|45376893|45376893

I will have 4 (or more) seemingly identical sockets open, and I can't seem to 
close any of them-- "close socket (line 1 of opensockets())" doesn't seem to 
have any effect. My only remedy is to quit Metacard and then start it again, 
as I can no longer open any new socket connections to the client after I 
reach this point.
I *think* I have witnessed this behavior when the client browser is quit (and 
presumably closes the socket) in the middle of a request, but again this 
could be a script error cropping up.

So, a couple of questions:
Is this a Metacard bug or a scripting problem?
Is there any way to force these runaway sockets to close?


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