My guess is that it is will have to be careful about the
actual character numbers as ones beyond 128 are not necessarily the same
for every font.  You will need to check that for each font that is used in
the document (Quark should tell you that).  

Also, you need to determine where the text is stored in the file (i.e. some
formats put text between ( )) Open the file in BBEdit to get a look at it
(don't save it as text, though..that can cause problems ;)

Read the Metacard reference carefully on the read/write functions to
determine how you should be reading the files and if you will need to strip
characters out when writing back to binary (i.e. returns) When you
read/write all in binary (i.e. copying a file from a server), its
straightforward, but I'm not sure about the binary/text/binary conversions.

Good luck!


Mark J. Luetzelschwab       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Research Assistant               v: (512) 232 6034
Instructional Technology                  f: (512) 232 2322
Center for Reading and Language Arts    
University of Texas at Austin

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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