OK, hypothetically speaking...

Suppose you create a standalone app on the Mac.  And the app has a
collection of data stacks that it uses, and they are in the same directory
as the app.  And you set the shared flag to true (via ResEdit) and you put
it on a server.

Now two Mac clients both launch the app.  And they both use it to open the
same data stack on the server.  What would happen?
A.  Both users would get a copy of the data stack loaded into their own RAM,
and when they did a save, the save would be rewritten back to the data stack
on the server, or
B.  The first user to get to the stack would win, and the other user would
get a "stack is in use" error

Furthermore, suppose you have a global variable named "myName" (not that I
would do this, but just supposed.)  If two people would run the app at the
same time, would they both get the same global?  Would it be different for

I can test this all out at work, but was sorta hoping someone had already
walked down this path.  I could see some cool local network gaming
possibilities for my school based on the answers to these questions...

Anyone know?

Richard MacLemale
Instructional Technology Specialist
James W. Mitchell High School

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