More results from button style selection testing:

If I create a new button and set its style to "pulldown" in the Button
Properties palette, MC immediately re-selects "popup". However, the
button behaves like a pulldown. If I type "the style of btn 1" into the
message box, it returns "popup".

If I then set the button style to "pulldown" via the message box, the
button behaves properly like a pulldown but looks in appearance like a
"standard" style button. When I type "the style of btn 1" into the
message box, it returns "standard". When I reopen the Button Properties
dialog, the "standard" style is selected.

If I then re-set the same button to "pulldown" again in the Properties
palette, the appearance changes to an opaque rectangle with no border.
It still behaves like a pulldown button. The message box now says it is
a "popup" button.

Guess I should bug report it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     612-724-1596
Custom hypermedia solutions    |

Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

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