I think the universe is trying to give me a message....

... to give up the idea of taking CD's to the Shareware Industry Conference.

Finally it is ready to burn, I had to give up a few things, but it is ready. Now my CD burner is acting up. It was fine last night. Today it is not fine. I left it on all night and I'm guessing it overheated. It's fussy.

The burner on the Windows machine limits filenames, including the name of the CD, which breaks a bunch of Mac code, so versions would have to be rewritten, recompiled, restuffed, and retested to burn this CD on the Windows machine.

I already know if burned on my Mac, it works on both machines. Filenames and all.

* sigh *

I think I'll go eat my candy bar now. I need some happy food :-)

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
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