[meteorite-list] Brenham Slice Mounted in Lightbox

2014-06-05 Thread Brien Cook via Meteorite-list
It took me about 2-months but I finally got my Brenham slice mounted in a light box. https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2914/14349992781_1cb4f66f7d_o.jpg __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - eBay Baxter L6 Chondrite Meteorite 0.78g

2014-05-06 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.ebay.com/itm/161285847328?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

[meteorite-list] AD - eBay Harrisonville L6 Chondrite Meteorite 15.7g

2014-05-06 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.ebay.com/itm/161285842592?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

[meteorite-list] AD - eBay Newport (Arkansas) Pallasite Meteorite 1.192g

2014-05-06 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.ebay.com/itm/161285850567?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

[meteorite-list] Harrisonville L6 Chondrite Meteorite 15.7g listed on eBay

2014-04-15 Thread Brien Cook
I have a Harrisonville Meteorite listed for sale on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=161276946722 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. -Brien Cook, IMCA #8757 __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite

[meteorite-list] hacked email

2013-10-24 Thread Brien Cook
Matija, I got your email yesterday too and it didn't seem characteristic of you. Good thing I didn't send you money. ;-) -Brien __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Question about facebook

2013-05-14 Thread Brien Cook
Here are some Meteorite related FB pages... Meteoritical Society https://www.facebook.com/pages/Meteoritical-Society/132324490172621 Meteorite Hunting https://www.facebook.com/pages/Meteorite-Hunting/211197901280 Galactic Analytics LLC https://www.facebook.com/GalacticAnalyticsLLC Meteorites

[meteorite-list] Novato update

2013-04-30 Thread Brien Cook
First off, I'd like to say how pleased I am to see Matija Bericic, the original purchaser, put the meteorite back on the market. He had been in touch with me within days and actively pursued getting a piece for research purposes. At the time no one had any idea how many, or little, would be

[meteorite-list] First Chelyabinsk Russia meteorite listed on eBay

2013-02-15 Thread Brien Cook
Horrible picture and not much else, but here it is. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Meteorite-2012-DA14-Chelyabinsk-Russia-Asteroid-/271156715875?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0hash=item3f22332163 ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

[meteorite-list] Another Russia meteorite listing on Ebay

2013-02-15 Thread Brien Cook
I saw this listing first thing this morning too. I immediately discredited it because it's the morning of the fall and it's being listed by a guy in Vegas... and oh ya it's already been sliced. Give me a break! ___ Unlimited Disk, Data

[meteorite-list] AD eBay Auction for Novato 11.7g Meteorite ending tonight!

2012-11-01 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.ebay.com/itm/160912068402?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit

[meteorite-list] Close-up pictures of Novato N2 Meteorite

2012-10-31 Thread Brien Cook
I met with Qing-zhu Yin at UC Davis today and we took some exception close-ups of N2. Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4829050482734.195683.1190747054type=1l=286c2eb13f The local ABC news affiliate also interviewed us. It could be on tonight at 11:00 or in the next few days.

[meteorite-list] Novato - Mill Valley, CA Meteorite Ordinary Chondrite slice 11.7 grams

2012-10-29 Thread Brien Cook
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemitem=160912068402 ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at

[meteorite-list] SF Chronicle - Dismissed 'rock' a meteorite after all

2012-10-26 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/Dismissed-rock-a-meteorite-after-all-3982409.php ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit

[meteorite-list] Marin Independent - It's a meteorite. No, it's a rock. No, it's a meteorite!

2012-10-26 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.marinij.com/novato/ci_21853230/novato-womans-find-its-meteorite-no-its-rock ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit

[meteorite-list] CupertinoPatch - It's a Meteorite—Again

2012-10-26 Thread Brien Cook
You've got to see this, a picture of Bob and Peter looking at the Webber meteorite again around the kitchen table. http://cupertino.patch.com/articles/it-s-a-meteorite-again BTW, I haven't sent anything to Alan or Peter contrary to numerous claims. Neither has even seen it first hand.

[meteorite-list] Lisa Webber's is a meteorite

2012-10-25 Thread Brien Cook
http://cams.seti.org/ ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at

[meteorite-list] Picture of the first Novato meteorite slice

2012-10-24 Thread Brien Cook
I had the meteorite looked at by Mike Martinez in Lathrop this morning and we did three slices. Unfortunately his blade wasn't long enough to make a clean cut. But it's good enough. http://briencook.com/Novato_2012-10-22/Novatoslice.JPG -Brien

[meteorite-list] eBay ad - Novato - Mill Valley, CA Meteorite Ordinary Chondrite slice 6.6 grams

2012-10-24 Thread Brien Cook
http://www.ebay.com/itm/160908820754?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit

[meteorite-list] Novato meteorite find

2012-10-23 Thread Brien Cook
I found this in Novato yesterday. To my knowledge it is the second meteorite found and the new main mass at 65.9 grams and 49 mm. http://briencook.com/Novato_2012-10-22/ More to follow... __ Visit the Archives at

[meteorite-list] Mill Valley field report

2012-10-20 Thread Brien Cook
For what it's worth I thought I'd share my experience up at Mill Valley today. My son and I did 11-miles just East of Bon Tempe Lake, which is the northern most point a radar signal was picked up. We saw no other meteorite hunters the entire day. The area is a large recreational area with tons

[meteorite-list] Mill Valley Meteorite

2012-10-18 Thread Brien Cook
Wow, I can't believe I'm going to do this again. This is going to make hunting Sutter's Mill look like a cake walk. Should have boots on the ground tomorrow morning. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

[meteorite-list] Space Shuttle Endeavour fly over

2012-09-21 Thread Brien Cook
Sacramento was one of the lucky cities to get a Shuttle Endeavour fly over today. I took this video from the roof of my office building. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0aNmteykjQlist=UUGBRmlg0LLLwXfw_ccSoVWwindex=1feature=plcp __ Visit the

[meteorite-list] another crazy ebay sale

2012-08-21 Thread Brien Cook
All eBay would have to do is not refund people the listing fees for bogus auctions. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the

[meteorite-list] Man claims he found meteorite making Dyson’s find — if it is a meteorite — worth about $2.3 million.

2012-08-16 Thread Brien Cook
I've never seen a red meteorite before. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at

[meteorite-list] Will the Mars Rover landing be televised?

2012-08-05 Thread Brien Cook
Does anyone know if the Mars rover landing will be televised tonight? ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at

[meteorite-list] Sutter\'s Mill Update - TKW now 478.09g

2012-06-08 Thread Brien Cook
Like I said before, there is some sand bagging going on. Clearly information is being withheld by the so-called professionals still working the area. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data

2012-06-04 Thread Brien Cook
It seems awfully suspicious that the daily finds all but stopped being tracked after the blimp went up. Perhaps the NASA/SETI team found the motherlode and aren't divulging any details. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain

[meteorite-list] Sneak peak of Sutter's Mill SM3 CT Scan with abstract by AMNH

2012-05-29 Thread Brien Cook
I received an email today from Denton Ebel with some preliminary data from the CT scan. He has requested to keep it a little longer to do another CT scan to hopefully get better images. I converted the 963 slice images into a movie for easy viewing. http://www.briencook.com/lotus/amnh/SM3.mov

[meteorite-list] Close-up pictures of Sutter's Mill SM3

2012-05-24 Thread Brien Cook
Last week I took my meteorite to UC Davis and met with Qing-zhu Yin. During our meeting he took some great close-up pictures of it with his microscope. http://twshot.com/5R76 ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

Re: [meteorite-list] Close-up pictures of Sutter\'s Mill SM3

2012-05-24 Thread Brien Cook
That credit goes to Qing-zhu Yin. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at

Re: [meteorite-list] SUTTER\'S MILL in MetBull

2012-05-22 Thread Brien Cook
Let's say a significant main mass was found closer to Folsom Lake, would that change the name? Or is it based on the number known finds which has been in the Lotus/Coloma vicinity? Does the Meteoritical Society ever change the name after one has been established?

Re: [meteorite-list] Update on Sutter\'s Mill find data

2012-05-21 Thread Brien Cook
Has anyone heard if there were any finds discovered from the blimp survey of the area? ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the

[meteorite-list] Lotus Meteorite sent to AMNH for Computed Tomography (CT) scan

2012-05-16 Thread Brien Cook
Yesterday I met with Qing-zhu Yin, an associate professor at UC Davis in the Dept. of Geology. We looked at my specimen under his microscope and got some amazing pictures, which I will be posting shortly. During my meeting we also spoke with Denton Ebel from the American Museum of Natural

[meteorite-list] eBay auction for Coloma Meteorite is being pulled

2012-05-06 Thread Brien Cook
I've been following this auction and here are the seller's additional statements... On May-04-12 at 11:54:58 PDT, seller added the following information: I added a picture of the area where the crust is missing. Its very hard to photograph the actual details. Also sorry if I have not replied

[meteorite-list] OK, enough of it's a blimp or not!

2012-05-04 Thread Brien Cook
Did they find anything? ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at

Re: [meteorite-list] Using an airship to spot good search areas

2012-05-03 Thread Brien Cook
The problem with Google is the maps are not current. What looks barren on Google is waist high grass now. I think getting areal photography of the strewn-field with the current vegetation would be helpful. I doubt however they will find a large mass and/or crater. My feeling is it disintegrated

[meteorite-list] Meteorite carbonaceous chondrite 2.07 KG | eBay

2012-05-03 Thread Brien Cook
If anyone authenticated it we'd all know about it by now. Secondly, in one picture it's completely flat like a slice had been done. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting

[meteorite-list] Is there an official site for logging finds from Lotus?

2012-05-01 Thread Brien Cook
As many of you know I found a 5 gram meteorite ( http://briencook.com/lotus/ ) on Tuesday 4/24 in Lotus before the rain. I've only been collecting for a few years and this was my first find. Being a local I didn't stay in the area and haven't been back to Lotus since. But I would like to have

[meteorite-list] Jenniskens Sutter Mill Meteorite

2012-04-28 Thread Brien Cook
Personally, I think it's too soon to be giving it a name. So far only fragments have been found in Lotus and Coloma. I'd like to see where larger pieces are located and a more accurate strewn field before we start naming it. ___ Unlimited

[meteorite-list] Do we have an accurate number of finds from Lotus / Coloma?

2012-04-26 Thread Brien Cook
So far I've only heard of Robert Ward, Peter Jenniskens and myself finding one. Have any other hunters found anything yet? I've also seen reports of locals selling finds to collectors in the area but nothing has been substantiated. ___

[meteorite-list] I too found a meteorite in Lotus, CA from the 4/22 sighting

2012-04-25 Thread Brien Cook
For some reason my email from yesterday didn't post. So here it is again... Although I can't claim the first find, I did find mine at 12:40 pm today 4/24. Being a local from Sacramento I arrived on scene at 9:00 am and started hunting along the South Fork American River to the Marshall Gold

[meteorite-list] Pictures of the Lotus Meteorite

2012-04-25 Thread Brien Cook
My inbox has been flooded with requests for pictures. So here you go... http://briencook.com/lotus/ ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com

[meteorite-list] Looking for help in locating the 4/22 sighting near Turlock, CA

2012-04-23 Thread Brien Cook
I'm in Sacramento and have been following this sighting since yesterday morning. I've pulled some data and maps and I'm narrowing in on the location. Is anyone else working this one as well? If so, I'd like to join forces with anyone who's in the area and interested. I could go down there in

[meteorite-list] Takin offers for 332 gram WI find

2010-04-27 Thread Brien Cook
Good luck Joe! If any of the other sales are any indicator at $60+ per gram you've got yourself a nice $20k meteorite. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com

[meteorite-list] Clarifying Inaccuracies ... was Wisconsin find vs fall

2010-04-17 Thread Brien Cook
No, I just didn't care to respond to your moronic rhetoric. But since you feel so compelled to find an audience, no matter how inappropriate, I'll respond. You tried to take what I said as slang and make some sort of correction, like you're the all mighty gate keeper of terminology. Dude, get

Re: [meteorite-list] Fireball News Cast video causes fires in the woods

2010-04-15 Thread Brien Cook
I think they're too far north (Avoca, WI) from where it actually landed. I'm predicting closer to Livingston, WI. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com

[meteorite-list] Wisconsin find

2010-04-15 Thread Brien Cook
I think this bad boy will be found very quickly and will be named Rewey or Mifflin. Good luck eager hunters, wish I could join the fun! ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com

[meteorite-list] Facebook Fan page for the WI meteorite

2010-04-15 Thread Brien Cook
Created yesterday, this Facebook Fan page dedicated to the recent fall has almost 4,000 fans. http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-survived-the-April-14th-meteor-explosion/114119128611931?ref=searchsid=1190747054.12292033..1v=wall Mostly just Jackass comments, but what the hell.

[meteorite-list] RE: Two Unexplored Craters

2010-03-30 Thread Brien Cook
People have been familiar with this site for years. I guarantee you if meteorites were to be found their we'd know about it by now. Although the prospect of collecting Olivine would be cool. ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL

[meteorite-list] Test

2010-03-25 Thread Brien Cook
Test ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html

[meteorite-list] Test

2010-03-19 Thread Brien Cook
Test ___ Unlimited Disk, Data Transfer, PHP/MySQL Domain Hosting http://www.doteasy.com __ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html